*Discover How to Edit, Rebrand and Profit from Any PLR Video in 60 Minutes!*

"Discover How to Edit, Rebrand and Profit from Any PLR Video and Create a Profit-Pulling Website with just a Few Simple Tweaks... in as Little as 60 Minutes..."

Finally Create Your Own Unique High-Converting Products that Out-Sells and Outperforms Similar Products in the Marketplace... whilst Making You Look like an Online Marketing Guru!

Great for Bundling several products together from different sources... Building your name and brand... Positioning yourself as the expert in the market... Creating high-ticket premium video courses... Creating unique membership content... Outselling your competitors... and much more!

Click Here to Rebrand Your PLR Videos to Increase Sales


One of the fastest ways of making consistent viable income is to create your own product and sell it. The problem is that not everyone has the time or the expertise to do so.

If you don't have your own product, branded with your own name or company brand, then potential customers will find it hard to distinguish you from other resellers and will have no reason to stay loyal to you.

"You're not just leaving a sale on the table... you're leaving $1000s in profit because you didn't position yourself."

However let's get real for a second... creating a video course is very time consuming unless you know the material well and how to teach it.

Fortunately, there are premade video products out there with Private Label Rights, a right that allows you to edit, rebrand and reposition it how you want.

But here's the downside - 99% of people who buy these types of products with these rights and simply slap on their payment button on the product, hope to make a sale and get involved in price wars if they don't... And looking like everyone else is the fastest way to fail and kill your profit!

But if you're one of the smart 1% you'll know that you have to do something different...

"So what exactly do you need to do?..."

The answer is simple. You need to REBRAND your PLR videos!

This step-by-step video course takes you by the hand and shows you how to take your private label rights videos to the next profit level.

The strategies you're about to learn will eliminate competition, allow you to set your own prices, allow you to build high-profitable sales funnels and will ultimately add more profit into your business!

Here's a closer look at this video course...

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Rebranding PLR Videos

First things first, you're going to learn about your mindset and how it can be the difference between success and failure. So, in this particular video we will provide a quick overview of what we'll discuss in this video course. Last but not least, we'll talk about the things you need to have on hand before we get started.

Lesson 2 - Avoiding What Everyone Else Does

The best way to win in the PLR business is to avoid doing what everyone else is. But what is everyone else doing? And more importantly, who is everyone else? In this video, we will discuss the answer to all of these questions so that you can create your best winning strategy.

Lesson 3 - The Missing Piece You Need to Profit

Did you know there is a something preventing you from reaching your full potential? Part of this reason is because the product is already created and you've already skipped the process. When you create a product, there is a passion burning inside that helps you make more money. But buying PLR and skipping this process can actually hurt you. This is something no one else has discussed and why you'll be able to succeed with it.

Lesson 4 - Fine-Tuning Your PLR Videos and Adding Value

Part of the reason why most people fail when it comes to selling PLR is because they sell it as it is. There is no added value to make the product stand out among the other 200 or even 1000 other people who bought the same product, right? Therefore, in this particular video you will learn how to figure out what kind of value you need to add to the product to make it super unique.

Lesson 5 - How to Build Authority through Voice Reputation

Some very common concerns that we receive all the time include, "My voice doesn't sound like the speaker's voice," "How do people know it's me?" Or, "Will people think ill of me since it's not my voice?" We'll tackle this common concern with a very easy and simple solution, and I'll show you why it's not a big deal.

Lesson 6 - Adding Intro Logo Stings to Your Videos

Now that you understand the fundamentals, we can actually jump straight into rebranding the video course. The first thing that I suggest that you start doing is to rebrand all of your videos by adding a very short logo in the beginning of each video. This could be in the form of a logo or even a very short "logo sting". Some common questions include, "How long should this be?" as well as, "How do you go about finding or creating these logo stings?"

Lesson 7 - What Software You Need


In this particular video, we are going to show you what you need software wise to take the logo sting that you created in the previous video, and add them to your video course so that you can essentially do a total rebrand.

Lesson 8 - Simple Rebranding Methods


So now that you understand what a logo sting is and what software you need, it's time for some practical application.

Lesson 9 - How to Render Videos in Bulk for Efficiency


This is not really part of the video course; it's more of a bonus video. When it comes to video editing, rendering your videos is a very time-consuming process. With most other software, you would have to render every single project one at a time, which can actually lose you time and therefore money. Let me show you how to speed this up and save countless hours otherwise wasted.

So... with that said, grab this video series now and learn how to rebrand your private label rights video series... so you can start your profit-pulling branding machine the right way!

You'll get instant access to these step-by-step videos that show you how to build a profit-pulling video machine... straight from a private label rights expert who has made the mistakes so that you don't have to!

This is all based on real experience - not theory!



FAST ACTION BONUS! ACT NOW and You'll Also Receive the Entire set of MP3 Recordings to the Videos.

Act now and you'll also receive your very own set of MP3 recordings of the video set!

Don't have time to watch videos? I am also providing you with the MP3s that you can use while you're on the go... Listen to them in the car, at home, or even at the office... All day... Every day.

Please note however that this super bonus WILL NOT be around forever and can be taken down at any time. If you want to get the best deal, have your very own business and maximize your profit then be sure to secure this bonus now! This bonus alone will multiply your income instantly.

A value of $37! Yours FREE!



FAST ACTION BONUS! ACT NOW and You'll Also Receive an Entire Duplicate of this Special Offer so You Can Flip Everything 'As Is' for Even More Cash!

Act now and you'll also receive your very own special offer page
similar to what you're seeing now so you can present your own subscribers with one heck of a deal!

No need to write a new salesletter, no need to design graphics. Just slap on your payment button, upload and sell!

Please note however that this super bonus WILL NOT be around forever and can be taken down at any time. If you want to get the best deal, have your very own business and maximize your profit then be sure to secure this bonus now! This bonus alone will multiply your income instantly.

A value of $97! Yours FREE!


Fast Action Bonus!
ACT NOW & and You'll Also Receive a complete set of custom promotional emails!

When you act now and you'll also receive
a complete set of custom promotional emails!

No need to write a new email newsletter. Just slap on your name and link on these emails and start selling!

Please note however that this super bonus WILL NOT be around forever and can be taken down at any time. If you want to get the best deal, have your very own business and maximize your profit then be sure to secure this bonus now! This bonus alone will multiply your income instantly.

A value of $197! Yours FREE!



There is NO Better Time to Improve Your Skills and it's NEVER too Late to Learn!...

If you feel like you're not getting the most from your WordPress blog and using it to it's fullest potential, either because of technical hurdles or short on time, then these videos are for you.

And before you decide whether this is for you... let us reassure you that...

You're now one step closer to building an online business that you've always wanted. Our training videos were created for marketers so you're getting REAL training that you need and refer back to time and time again.

How can we be so confident? Simple. Because we know that these videos are packed full of value - stuff that they don't teach you in school and because we were once in your shoes and know what it's like to go through this steep learning curve.

You're getting access to the exact information we needed years ago but had to learn ourselves the hard way. Order now in complete confidence and we'll deliver this course to you immediately.


Watch a preview video below to help you get started...


Secure Your Order Now and Discover How to Rebrand and Profit from Any PLR Video

...and Create a Profit-Pulling Sales Machine with just a Few Simple Tweaks... in as Little as 60 Minutes!


And To ADD To That...


Who Else Wants Instant Access to 200 250+
"Do What You Want" Video Tutorials with 100% Unrestricted Private Label Rights to Re-Sell
and Profit from Effortlessly!

...to Edit, Sell, Bundle, Re-package, Flip, Give-Away, Educate Your Subscribers, Add to Memberships, Offer as Bonuses, Use to Build a List, Gain Recognition as an Expert... Plus so much more!

Do you ever feel like you're spending more time IN your business rather than being on top of it and turning a profit?...

Many beginners, even experienced marketers go thorugh the same dilema. Instead of promoting their product, they're busy creating it... Instead of getting traffic, they're busy doing research... Instead of making sales, they're busy creating their websites.

No one wants to spend all day doing tasks that don't produce noticeable results. Your time is always better spent GROWING your business... Doing the most profitable tasks that bring about the best results.

So the question really becomes...

"So What Are the Most Profitable Things You Can Do in Your Business Right Now?..."

Whether you realize it or not... almost 80% of your profit online will stem from 20% of the work you do.

For example... Writing and sending out email promotions (even to a small list) will generate more profit than spending the same amount of time checking your emails for the latest and greatest shiny new object...

...Spending all day writing a sales letter for your new product will generate more profit than spending the same amount of time designing a fancy looking website and product cover...

...Recording and submitting a useful YouTube video will generate more leads and profit... than watching hours of traffic training videos and never taking action on it.

Whilst there are a myriad of things on your 'to do' list, there are only a handful of things that you REALLY need to do that will lead to a sale.

Eventually you'll come to the conclusion that all your effort should be focused on producing valuable content consistently. Why?... Because content attracts traffic. Traffic brings in fresh leads... and leads turn into sales.


Want 100% Unique Video Content?... Expect to Pay $900 to $3,000 for a 60-Minute Video Tutorial...

The only problem is, producing content (especially training videos) eats up your time and energy... and outsourcing content doesn't come cheap either. Take a look at some job offers going on Fiverr right now...

A simple 200 word, scripted video tutorial that lasts 60 second will cost you around $15. Multiply that by 60 to get a full hour tutorial and that $900 out of your pocket... and that's the cheaper version!

Choose a top-rated seller and you're looking at $50+ per minute of video. That's $3,000 for an hour tutorial.

I have nothing against outsourcing... and there's no doubt in my mind that you get what you pay for and I'm sure you'll end up with an amazing and unique video tutorial... but you've got to ask yourself... are you really prepared to shell out a minimum of $900 for an hour video?

If the answer is no, then you've got to ask yourself are you willing to put in the time and effort... not to mention hours of editing needed to create your own videos... just so you can attract free traffic and sell your own products?...

If your answer is still no... then you're on the right page...


Introducing Your 100% Unrestricted "Do What You Want" Private Label Videos!

Over 250+ Comprehensive Video Tutorials, Covering 56 of the Hottest Internet Marketing Topics!

With your unlimited PLR Video license gain access to over 250 comprehensive video tutorials, covering over 56 of the hottest topics including... free traffic generation, paid traffic methods, product launches, give-away events, and so much more!...

You can brand them as your own, watermark them, give them away, sell them, bundle them, use as low-cost front-end offers to widen your sales funnel plus so much more!...

If you're looking for high quality content to keep your subscriber base, customers and website visitors actively engaged, then this unrestricted private label video package is EXACTLY what you need!

This package is jam packed with hot topics people WANT... information that they will happily give you their email addresses for... information that they will happily pay for! Everything you need to start selling and give away will give you instant presence and authority online even if you're a complete beginner and just started your online venture today!

Check out the package below...

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #1
Click Drive Media Traffic (4-Part)

Discover how to tap into a lucarative traffic source that many marketers aren't even aware of!

In this 4-part course we'll talk you through the process of getting setup, where you should be directing your traffic, and how to monetize it to get a good return on your investment.

You'll discover the 3 different types of traffic sources provided and which one gives you the best bang for your buck.

If you need traffic fast but don't want to invest heavily on more expensive sources then this course is a must!


You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #2
eBook Syndication Sites

Submitting eBooks to syndication sites is nothing new yet is often over-looked by many marketers.

Whilst there is a bit of work needed up-front, when done right it can bring you a steady passive stream of traffic for many years.

You'll find out which are the best 3 sites to submit to and how to spy on other marketers to see what books they've submitted and how many people have read their book which will ultimately give you a proven model to follow off.



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #3
Fancy Cash (4-Part Course)

Tap into a new source of traffic that's a cross between eBay and Pinterest. Use this site to sell your own products and promote affiliate products.

Watch this video course as we show you how to source your products, affiliate with products and how to use the site as a traffic generating method.

If you're looking for other channels to sell your existing products, services and even build your list then this is a great traffic source to tap into.



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #4
JV Giveaway Events

Discover how to build your list in the internet marketing niche in double time with give-away events!

Participating in give-aways as a way to build your list has been around for some time now but the method is still applicable to this very date and perfect if you're in the internet marketing niche.

This powerful video will walk you through the process of how give-away events work, where to go and what type of content you need to submit to get the maximum return on your time and effort.



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #5
Product Launch (6-Part Course)

Product launches can be very stressful but also highly rewarding when done right.

This 6-part video course reveals all the trade secrets needed to propel your next launch to new heights.

Inside you'll discover why you should do product launches, how to recruit JVs and affiliates, what to do before and during your launch and more tips that will make your next launch a success!




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #6
Quick Cash Method

Discover this lucrative quick cash method that can have you making money within minutes.

Whether you have your own product, or PLR products this will work.

We'll walk you through the process of finding people who are passionate around a subject based on the comments they leave on blogs and find customers who will happily buy your products.

If you don't have a list or a product of your own and don't want to invest heavily on paid traffic then this 'Quick Cash' method is ideal for you.


You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #7
Slide Share Traffic (3-Part Course)

Slide Share has 60 million monthly visitors, 100 million page views per month and is amongst the 200 most visited websites in the world with numbers ever increasing.

Watch this to see what type of content you can submit (not just presentations) and how to take advantage of this traffic source.

Once you fully utilize this traffic method you'll wonder why you never used it in the first place!



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #8
Teespring Cash (4-Part Course)

Teespring is a site to create and sell your own t-shirts without having to ship them yourself.

This in-demand craze has allowed some marketers to make 6-figures a year just doing this alone.

Watch this 4-part course as we show you how to perform market research, brainstorm ideas, come up with a winning t-shirt design, select a niche and create a campaign for your next hot-seller!

Once you've made your first sale selling your own t-shirt design you'll be hooked!


You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #9
Traffic Exchanges (3-Part Course)

Traffic Exchanges have been around for a long time ever since the term 'internet marketing' was coined.

In this 3-part course you'll learn how to use one of the most popular traffic exchanges available, how the system works, how to build credits, what methods you can use to save time and resources, the right and wrong way to do things and so much more.

If you're new to traffic exchanges and need guidance from an experienced marketer then this video course is a must!



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #10
US Free Ads Traffic

With 1000s of visitors a month and a high Alexa ranking this classified ad source is a gold mine for those who take advantage of this.

Some marketrs are generating 100s of new leads a week from this one source and promoting affiliate products in the backend.

Watch this video as we show you how to nagivate this site, research what's already been done, how to post a free ad to maximize your views, what categories to post in and so much more. If you want to tap into this traffic source skip the 'experimental process' then this video is a must!


You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #11
Yahoo Answers Cash

With a user base of over 90 million people, and ranked as the biggest online knowledge community Yahoo Answers is a traffic source that shouldn't be ignored.

People visit this site to find solutions to their problems. When paired with a buying niche you've a gold mine!

Watch this video as we take you through the process of searching for a qualifying question to answer, how to answer it, where to place your affiliate link or squeeze page link and how to get your answer featured as 'best answer' to maximize your traffic.



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #12
3 Hot Paid Traffic Sources (3-Part Course)

In this 3-part course you'll be able to walk your subscribers and customers through 3 quality sites to buy traffic from.

You'll teach them the minimum daily budget required, the minimum cost per click, and minimum cost per 1000 views (CPM).

This is highly valueable to anyone looking to launch a site fast without having to wait weeks, even months for results through traditional SEO methods.



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #13
4 Figure Promo Secrets (4-Part Course)

In this 4-part video course you'll be showing your subscribers and customers how to generate 4-figure commissions promoting a high-ticket offer.

This course breaks down the steps into pre-selling, creating a bonus package, creating a banner ad, using the Warrior Forum for advertising and much more!

The results you could gain from applying this technique is worth the investment in this PLR bundle many times over!




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #14
5 Secret Instant Traffic Sources (5-Part Course)

Traffic is the lifeblood of your business. Without your products and services will not sell so it's important to master the art of traffic generation.

This 5-part course goes through 5 different advertising networks to help you get even more targeted traffic using reliable paid sources.

You'll see how to take advantage of the many features of these networks to split test your ads and see which one is working best - thus reducing your advertising costs and making sure you get the most for your money.



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #15
6 Free Traffic Methods (6-Part Course)

There are two types of traffic - paid and free. Paid is fast and effortless but will cost you, however free requires more effort and time but minimizes your expenses.

For those that are on a tight budget and have little funds to work with, this 6-part course will show you how to generate free traffic from 6 different sources from blog commenting, book syndication, forum posting, guestblogging, press releases and more.

If you've heard of these techniques before but would like a deeper look into what's involved then this is a must see!



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #16
8 Ways To Grow Your Business With
The Warrior Forum (5-Part Course)

The Warrior Forum has been running online since 1997 and is a great place not only to generate traffic but to build a business.

This 5-part course reveals 8 ways to take advantage of the forum from using classified ads, starting a WSO, running banner ads, getting involved in discussions plus much more!





You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #17
Affiliate Mastery (43 Minute Course)

Affiliate Mastery is a 43 minute advance course that reveals the secrets to generating hundreds even thousands of dollar per day using techniques that only a small percentage of marketers know about.

You'll discover a ton of secrets to scaling your business to this level including how to setup a proper marketing strategy, building a buyer's list for free, creating webinars, marketing on Facebook and much more!




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #18
Amazon Affiliate Startup (3-Part Course)

Teach your subscribers and customers how to get started with the Amazon affiliate program.

This quick 3-part course shows you how to register for an account, setup your payment details, create your affiliate links and much more!






You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #19
Amazon FBA Program (5-Part Course)

Amazon FBA (fulfillment by Amazon) allows you to sell physical items on Amazon without having to store products in your house, office, warehouse or any other place that will add to your overheads.

This course overs what items you can sell, what you can't sell, setting up a pro-merchant account, an individual account and much more.





You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #20
Buyers List Arbitrage (35-Minute Course)

This powerful course reveals the technique to generating $500-$1000 per day as a Super Affiliate.

This is something that requires work, it's not something you can plug and play and it's not over-night riches. You'll be shown the steps to building a highly effective buyers list.

Normally this would require to launch your own products but there is a secret way around this all reveal inside.




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #21
Conversion Booster Pro (4-Part Course)

Whether you're brand new online or have been marketing for 10 years, this is an excellent course guaranteed to add more sales to your business.

In this course you'll see how conversions is more important than traffic an is the number one driver for sales. You'll discover the psychology of selling, how to use 'power words', how to master the 'four-second rule', how to optimize your pages plus much more!




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #22
Co-Registration Secrets (3-Part Course)

Unlike other traffic methods where you pay for every click or view, co-registration allows you to buy leads or subscribers.

You'll see why this method can be more profitable than solo ads and how to go about creating your ad.

This method is a must for anyone looking to build their list fast with minimal risk.





You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #23
CPA Facebook Ads (5-Part Course)

In this course you'll be shown how to make money with Cost Per Action (CPA) advertising using Facebook Ads.

You'll discover what CPA networks you can apply to, what type of CPA offers do well on Facebook, how to do your market research, what keywords to select, how to create an ad and much more so you know who you're marketing to.

Get all the components right from the start and you'll have every chance of success with CPA.



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #24
Making Money In Embarrassing Niches (4-Part Course)

In this course you'll learn how to capitalize on problems that people need solutions to right away but are too embarrassed to talk about and are only comfortable searching for the answers and solutions online.

When they do find a solution they will buy it in an instant. You'll learn how to create highly-focused high-ranking WordPress sites that are optimized for your choosen 'embarrassing' keywords to generate affiliate sales.




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #25
Fast Traffic Secrets 2.0 (1 Hour+ Course)

Welcome to the Fast Traffic Secrest 2.0 course!

You'll about to uncover some of the most powerful methosd of generating tons of traffic on the internet.

You'll see why 'capturing' your traffic is a vital for long term success, free traffic methods, paid traffic methods and live examples of what we do so you can emulate and model off us!





You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #26
Facebook Ad Secrets (5-Part Course)

This video course will show you how to master the Facebook Ad system to help you generate traffic to any site you own and make sales - affiliate commissions or your own product sales.

With over 1 billion users, you'll be able to focus on those who will be genuinely interested in your product or service and filter out those who aren't.

What this course as we show you what you need to do step-by-step.



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #27
Free Traffic Mastery (4-Part Course)

It goes without saying that traffic is the life and blood of your businses. Without traffic you have nothing.

This course reveals the best time-tested strategies to ensure you've got a steady stream of traffic coming to your websites every day and what you have to do to maintain it.

If you find yourself with plenty of products and services to offer but no one to see it, then this is the missing piece of the puzzle you've been looking for.



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #28
Front Page Internet (5-Part Course)

Discover a hot free traffic source that gets 20 million unique visitors per month and 170 million page views per month.

It's one of the most popular websites out there yet most marketers haven't tapped into this traffic opportunity even if they're aware of it.

This is yours for the taking. Watch this video course to make sure you don't miss out on this free traffic source!




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #29
Hire Your First Virtual Assistant (3-Part Course)

As your business grows and expands, so too will the demands of your every day tasks.

As a marketer you have to think in terms of time, money and energy and it won't be long before you realize that certain tasks need to be outsourced.

Thankfully virtual assistants don't have to be expensive.

This course reveals a network full of people willing to work for you at very reasonable prices.




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #30
"How I Did It" Marketing with Saul Maraney (1 Hour Course)

This recorded Google Hangout contains golden nuggets of information on how a former stock broker from Johannesburg turned to internet marketing in need for more cash.

Everything he learned was self-taught and during this recorded live stream you'll learn the truth behind internet marketing, the struggles Saul went through, the break-throughs and the mentality you need to succeed not just online, but in your personal life as well.

A must-see for those in need of perspective and inspiration.


You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #31
How To Upload PLR Products (8-Part Course)

If you've ever bought a product with private label rights and loved the idea of selling your own products but only to realize that you can't seem to make money with them because you don't have the basic skills then this quick video course is ideal for you!

This course covers everything from... How to extract your files... How to edit your sales page... What free HTML editor to use... How to create a PayPal payment button... How to redirect customers to your thank you page... How to to grab the PayPal button code... How to insert the code into your sales page... Which free FTP software to use... Understanding the FTP software interface... How to upload your mini-site... How to create a download folder and more!

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #32
Install WordPress (6-Part Course)

When used right WordPress can be the most powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

Google loves to index and rank them. Users can fully control their content and visitors get to use them as a platform for interaction.

This course covers all the basics from downloading WordPress and doing a manual install, how to upload files via FTP, creating a MySQL database, a walkthrough of the admin panel and much more.




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #33
Instant Traffic For Newbies (3-Part Course)

Discover 3 powerful paid traffic sources to help you bring quality visitors to your website.

You'll see the advantages of these networks over Google AdWords, how both ad-publisher and advertiser have more control over the bidding prices and times that ads are displayed plus much more.

If you're looking to add more avenues of traffic to your business these videos are a must see!




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #34
Instant Traffic For Pennies With Bing Ads (4-Part Course)

Bings Ads are the second most popular form of paid advertising after Google Adwords yet the majority of online marketers do not take advantage of it.

Cheap clicks are still possible and there are some advertisers who are getting clicks as cheap as $0.01 cent.

This course gives you an overview of Bing Ads, how to setup a text Ad, how to select keywords and how to maximize your profits.




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #35
Large Solo Ad Vendors And List Brokers (7-Part Course)

Solo ads are one of the fastest ways to build your list. Smart marketers know this which is why they spend most (if not all) of their advertising budget on solo ads.

Setting up a campaign ready for solo ads is one thing, but finding good quality providers is another matter.

This valuable course reveals 7 large and reputatable solo ad vendors to help you get traffic you need.





You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #36
Make Money In 5 Minutes (3-Part Course)

Discover how to make money fast even without a website by offering products or services on Fiverr.

You'll see how Fiverr is more than just making five buck transactions and how with a little bit of 'out of the box' thinking you can generate some nice side cash!






You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #37
Master YouTube Editor (8-Part Course)

In this 8-part course you'll learn how to edit your videos for free using YouTube's video editor.

You'll discover how to adjust the length of your videos, add watermarks to protect and advertise on your videos, how to insert pictures, music, add transitions, add title screens and much more.

The majority of free traffic stems from video so any marketer who wants to stay ahead of the game and keep up with the trends will benefit from this course!



You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #38
Traffic Meltdown (40 Minute Course)

Traffic Meltdown is a 2-part course which takes you by the hand and shows you how to take advantage of YouTube's traffic and Google's video ranking system and a loophole in Google Hangout's all in one go!

You'll discover why high-quality videos are the way forward, why the timing of your video is important, what content to add in your video to make it worth while for the viewer, what links to add to monetize your video and much more!




You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #39
YouTube Cash (3-Part Course)

Discover how to make your own videos using YouTube's editor without having to do any filming or creating on your part by using other people's videos legally and ethically within the creative commons license.

This is a great way for any niche marketer to start especially if you're inexperienced with video creation or are on a limited budget and still want to benefit from YouTube's free traffic source!




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so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Course #40
6 to 7 Figure Blueprint

Lesson 1 - The 6-7 Figure Blueprint Revealed
Lesson 2 - Finding Your Niche
Lesson 3 - How to Create Your Own Products
Lesson 4 - Writing Your Sales Letter
Lesson 5 - Promoting Affiliate Products

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #41
Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Lesson 1 - Signing Up As An Amazon Affiliate
Lesson 2 - Setting Your Payment Method
Lesson 3 - Getting Your Product Links

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #42
CPA Profits On Demand

Lesson 1 - Introduction to CPA Profits
Lesson 2 - Creating Your Optin Page
Lesson 3 - Integrating Your Optin Code to Your Page
Lesson 4 - Uploading and Testing Your Links
Lesson 5 - Six Traffic Generation Methods
Lesson 6 - Emailing Your List

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #43
Creating Your Own Software

Lesson 1 - Starting Your Own Software Business
Lesson 2 - Coming Up With Ideas For Your Software
Lesson 3 - Key Features of Your Software
Lesson 4 - Finding Software Programmers
Lesson 5 - Managing The Project

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #44
Dropship 100

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Dropshipping
Lesson 2 - Niche Research
Lesson 3 - Sourcing Your Products
Lesson 4 - Benefits of Dropshipping
Lesson 5 - Selling Tips
Lesson 6 - Automation

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #45
Expert Media Buying

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Media Buying
Lesson 2 - What is Media Buying
Lesson 3 - How to Create Banner Ads
Lesson 4 - Tips for Success
Lesson 5 - Top Media Buying Networks Part1
Lesson 6 - Top Media Buying Networks Part2

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #46
Facebook Banner Ad Mastery

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Facebook CPA
Lesson 2 - CPA Networks
Lesson 3 - What CPA Offers Perform Best
Lesson 4 -Market Research
Lesson 5 - Running Facebook Ads

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #47
Facebook CPA

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Facebook Banner Ad Mastery
Lesson 2 - Avoid Getting Suspended
Lesson 3 - Niche Research on Facebook
Lesson 4 - Creating an Image Ad
Lesson 5 - Launching Your Ad On Facebook

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #48
List Building For Free

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Free List Building
Lesson 2 - Setting Up a Free Autoresponder Account
Lesson 3 - Using Tracking Software
Lesson 4 - Tools to Build Your Fanbase
Lesson 5 - Forum Marketing
Lesson 6 - Ad Swaps

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #49
Making Money on Snapchat

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Making Money with Snapchat
Lesson 2 - Why Use Snapchat
Lesson 3 - Simple Formula for Success
Lesson 4 - Ways to Make Money with Snapchat
Lesson 5 - How to Build Your Audience
Lesson 6 - Tips on Creating Content

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #50
Making Money Without Selling

Lesson 1 - How to Make Money Online without Selling Anything
Lesson 2 - Arbitrage Business Model
Lesson 3 - Creating Your Blog Fast
Lesson 4 - Ad Netowrk Platforms
Lesson 5 - Traffic Generation Techniques
Lesson 6 - Other Effective Marketing Tips

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #51
Monetizing Your Blog Models

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Blog Monetization
Lesson 2 - Ad Placement Strategies
Lesson 3 - Blog Monetization Strategies
Lesson 4 - Preselling Strategies
Lesson 5 - Affiliate Networks
Lesson 6 - Affiliate Links
Lesson 7 - Building a List
Lesson 8 - Monetizing Your List
Lesson 9 - List Automation
Lesson 10 - Marketing Funnel

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #52
Product Launch Exposed

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Product Launches
Lesson 2 - Why Do Product Launches
Lesson 3 - Recruiting JVs
Lesson 4 - Days Before The Launch
Lesson 5 -During The Launch
Lesson 6 - More Launch Tips

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #53
Review Blogging

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Review Blogging
Lesson 2 - Finding a Niche
Lesson 3 - Setting Up Your Review Site
Lesson 4 - Affiliate Networks
Lesson 5 - How to Write a Review
Lesson 6 - Setting up Alerts and Finding Forums

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #54
Solo Ads Today

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Solo Ads
Lesson 2 - Solo Ads 101
Lesson 3 - The Pros and Cons of Solo Ads
Lesson 4 - Your Offer
Lesson 5 - My Strategies
Lesson 6 - Udimi
Lesson 7 - Clickonomy
Lesson 8 - Other Solo Ad Sources

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #55
The Funnel Hacker

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Funnel Hacking
Lesson 2 - What is Funnel Hacking
Lesson 3 - Tips for Funnel Hacking
Lesson 4 - Tools for Funnel Hacking

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #56
Traffic And Leads Fast Track

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Traffic and Leads Fast Track
Lesson 2 - Why Use ClixSense to Generate Leads
Lesson 3 - Placing an Ad on the ClixSense Network
Lesson 4 - Setting Up Your Ad
Lesson 5 - Getting The Most from Your Ad Campaign

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!

Unrestricted PLR Video Business #57
WarriorPlus Sales Explosion

Lesson 1 - Introduction to WarriorPlus
Lesson 2 - Advantages of WarriorPlus
Lesson 3 - Setting Up an Offer and Listing
Lesson 4 - How to Setup a Sales Funnel
Lesson 5 - WarriorPlus Features and Customer Stats

You get 100% unrestricted private label rights to this course
so you can do anything you want with it!


But Wait! That's Not All!...
If You Act Now You'll Also Get Personal Private Label Rights to 17 Products

That's right! If you act now we'll even include another 17 products with personal private label rights to complement your videos during this firesale!

You can edit them, stamp your name on them as the author, sell them individually, bundle them together, strip down the contents into newsletters and articles, offer them as bonuses... and so much more!

This package is currently selling as a stand-alone offer and is easily worth multiple times the cost of this deal, but we'll throw in everything right now for free just as a reward for taking action.

Private Label Product #1
Full Fat Adsense Cash Cow!

Milking the Adsense Machine for Passive Income

Google AdSense takes internet marketing to the next level. It is a helpful tool that allows website owners to select what types of ads are relevant for their target market, allowing only the most relevant ads to appear. When relevant ads appear on your website, or ads that interest/speak to your specific target market, they are likely to click on those ads. And with Google AdSense, you earn money for every time an ad is clicked. It really is that easy!

In short, Google AdSense allows Internet marketers and website owners to work together to ensure the best possible results from results driven advertising. And do you want to know the best part about Google AdSense?... It's FREE!

You get 100% personal private label rights to this course
to edit, rebrand, sell and re-purpose as your own!

Private Label Product #2
Help! I'm a Nervous Wreck!

Essential Advice Before You Ask a Girl Out!

Not one of us has gone unscathed from and by the custom of dating. It does not matter what culture, gender or age, dating has had an impact upon us in some form of other. We see examples of it on the television, read about it in magazines and learn about it the classroom, locker room and on the street. Sociologists study it as do psychologists, behaviorists, educators and biologists.

Depending upon your point of view, dating is either easier or harder as you get older. This is an e-book geared towards the mature male. It is a guide to dating. Are you curious about arranging that first date on an online dating service? Perhaps, you are looking to date a single mom. Maybe you, yourself, are a single father or are you a senior? This e-book hopes to help you be successful in obtaining that first date. It looks at means to make your first date, great.

You get 100% personal private label rights to this course
to edit, rebrand, sell and re-purpose as your own!

Private Label Product #3
Affiliate Wise Guy

Becoming The 'Don' of Affiliate Marketing

Getting affiliate links is the easy part. Having a place to host them-now that's a little more involved. Having a place to host them where people will convert to buyers-that's even more work. You need to create a place where people can find you, where they'll want to come for information or assistance, and where they'll leave only to go complete the sale (even though they may not realize they are 'leaving'). Nevertheless, it can be done. But before you do anything, you need to structure a game plan. You need to write the plan that gives you all the potential for selling that you need.

What we want to focus on more is the structure of your website and/or websites. First off, we'll talk about the individual sites themselves.

If you will be promoting more than one product-and to make money the way the Big Dogs do you will need to-each related group of products should have their own dedicated site; out of that group, you will focus on your one most promising product most of the time. This site doesn't need to be huge, it can be just a few pages in total-say between ten and twenty, depending on the number of products you'll be selling; but it does need to incorporate all the elements that will gain you attention from the search engines, and thereby from visitors and buyers (targeted buyers with a need!)

Your plan will look something like this:
* Target markets and keywords
* Choose specific affiliate products
* Build a website around a specific group of products
* Build more product-grouped websites for each affiliation
* Create a master website that captures traffic, then links traffic to smaller product-specific websites

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to edit, rebrand, sell and re-purpose as your own!

Private Label Product #4
Make Money Selling Nothing

The Beginner's Guide to Selling Downloadable Products

If you have been pulling your hair out looking for a way to make money online, the search is over! One of the easiest ways to make money is by writing and selling information products in electronic book form. This is the ultimate product for online sales, simply because the potential is enormous!

* Information is extremely profitable.

* There is an unlimited quantity of information in the world today.

* Information is easy and inexpensive - close to free at times - to deliver to your customers online.

* Any information produced by you in written form for your eBook is yours. You own it fully and control where it goes.

* Information that is new to people, or presented to them in a new manner will have very little competition.

* Your item is different from anyone else's because you wrote it! (It goes without saying here that you can't copy someone else's work and try to pass it off as your own!)

* Information lends itself quite well to cross-selling, a type of sales technique where you would offer a more profitable product at the same time you are pitching your main information product.

* Cross-selling can make even more money for you. Selling a product that goes well with the theme of the information product can double or even triple your profits sometimes.

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to edit, rebrand, sell and re-purpose as your own!

Private Label Product #5
15 I.M. Questions Answered

Your Most Burning Questions Answered Before You Step into the Internet Marketing Ring!

Take a moment to think about how you would really answer this question. If given enough thought just about any business owner who utilizes the Internet for any purpose will likely find that whether or not they intentionally organized an Internet marketing campaign, they may already be marketing their products and services on the Internet. This guide will examine some ways business owners may already be marketing their business on the Internet and how you can increase sales with a few simple steps.

Do you have a website for your business? Business owners who answer yes to this question are already marketing their products or services online just by virtue of the fact that they have a website online. Having a live website means there is the potential for curious Internet users to access your website. You may not be actively promoting your website but you may still find that your website generates interest in your products despite the lack of promotional endeavors; this is a form of passive marketing.

Do you participate in forums and include a link to your website in your signature? Again business owners who answer yes to this question are already marketing their website online. Savvy business owners realize the importance of participation in industry related message boards to create an interest in their products and services, establish themselves as knowledgeable about the industry and offer a link to their own website even if it is in the signature line of their posts. However, even business owners who do not realize this may already be inadvertently enjoying the benefits of Internet marketing which result from message board participation just by doing something they enjoy and may be doing as a form of leisure activity.

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Private Label Product #6
Work At Home For Busy Moms

Essential Advice When You're Your Own Boss!

It doesn't matter whether you're fed up with working outside the home or you're just ready to make some extra money, the opportunities available for work-at-home mothers can prove incredible.

If you're holding back out of fear that your skills aren't honed enough to turn dreams into reality, relax! Even women who lack degrees or high-priced "career skills" will find there are plenty of options for launching lucrative home-based businesses. It's also possible to land actual on-staff jobs working for others out of a home office. Telecommuting is becoming more common than you might realize. You might even be able to sign on as a contract worker or freelancer with companies all over the world.

The truth is you don't necessarily have to have a specific skill set in place to work at home. There are workarounds to overcome almost any stumbling blocks that may stand in your way. There is no reason to get discouraged!

Diving into the prospect of working at home can be an incredible decision to make for you and your entire family. It does, however, require careful consideration. Working at home can be a wonderful experience, but it's just not for everyone.

In this book, we'll discuss the things you'll need to consider to have a successful go at it. There are some ways to tell if working at home really suits your style and some benefits and pitfalls that are smart to explore before moving full steam ahead to start an at-home career.

You get 100% personal private label rights to this course
to edit, rebrand, sell and re-purpose as your own!

Private Label Product #7
How to Catch a Cheating Lover

Stealthily Catch a Dishonest Cheating Lover When they Least Expect It

We prefer honesty in our relationships, but reality doesn't always measure up to our expectations. Cheating is an everyday occurrence.

We expect our partners not to cheat. Sometimes lovers release each other from that expectation, as in the 1960s and '70s when ''open'' relationships and ''free love'' were part of a sexual revolution that valued experimentation. The vogue continues to a much lesser degree in the twenty-first century. For the most part, when two people are in a committed relationship, monogamy is not only implied, it's assumed. One mate at a time is the expectation when you've given your heart and soul to another.

A cheater lives a life of deception based on tricks that go unnoticed. A cheater's success depends on how well they sustain a hidden life. A victim of cheating only survives to the degree they can discover what is being hidden. Whether surviving ultimately means ending the relationship or healing it, knowing how to catch your cheating lover is the first step. The practical information presented here will help you along your journey.

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Private Label Product #8
Follow Up Profits

How to Follow Up With Your Customers without Pestering Them

You create a digital information product, and work hard towards your product launch. You announce it to your list. You've even done quite a bit of legwork in advance and promoted it via email, Twitter, Facebook, article marketing and guest blogging... and maybe even a guest interview on a web radio show.

The big day comes. You're quite pleased with the sales. But they trickle off within the first month - perhaps even the first week or two - and after that, you're lucky if you make $100 a month on your product.

There's something wrong with the scenario here: Most likely the lack of a follow up plan.

It's actually amazing how many people don't realize the importance of contact or sales follow up - let alone having an actual follow up plan for every campaign. Yet this happens with a huge percentage of online entrepreneurs. They put all their emotion and energy into creating the product and launching it... and leave the sales to take care of themselves.

The truth is, even if your sales are good, there are so many more ways to maximize them, and it should all be done at the planning stage.

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Private Label Product #9
Weight Loss For Your Body Type

Turn Your Life Around with a Easy to Follow Health Plan thats Ideal for You

A lot of people throughout the world are concerned about gaining weight. Millions of people everywhere are obese and suffering many different health consequences because of it. Most people have trouble deciding which weight-loss plan is going to work for them. They can't make a solid plan or they fall victim to "snake-oil" cures like diet pills and ridiculous fad diets. In this book we're going to tell you thetruth about weight gain, weight loss and what you can do to choose the perfect plan for you.

When it comes to losing weight there are a myriad of proven and viable options. There are also a ton of ineffective methods that you should avoid. We're going to show you the primary effective methods which include: exercise, nutrition, lifestyle changes, surgical procedures and counseling.

We're also going to discuss some of the pitfalls associated with weight loss: diet pills, eating disorders, ridiculous food myths and lack of support. It's essential to understand the potential consequences to every one of these weight-loss plans and, more importantly, learn how to cope with them. Let's start by examining what does NOT work; many of you may be trying out a weight loss plan while you're reading this book so I want you to know what to avoid as early as possible.

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Private Label Product #10
ClickBank Sales Machine

Building Your ClickBank Empire from the Ground Up

Clickbank is one of the largest websites for the sale of digital products. In fact, virtually no other source offers the same benefits as this company does. Those who produce digital products then place those products on Clickbank.com and use its enormous bank of affiliate marketers to promote the product.

Clickbank has more than 12,000 digital products on its website for sale. There are 100,000 active affiliate marketers who help to promote those digital products. Another important number to know about the company is how often a consumer purchases a product through a Clickbank.com link. According to the company, every three seconds someone in the world makes a sale. Each day, the company processes some tens of thousands digital transactions!

These numbers may seem worrisome to the new producer of such digital content, but they should be inspiring. By using these resources, your digital product can sell faster and to a larger range of consumers. Your product will produce better for you if you place it on Clickbank.com rather than putting it on your own site.

However, learning what Clickbank offers and how it works is the first step in the process.

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to edit, rebrand, sell and re-purpose as your own!

Private Label Product #11
The Raw Food Diet

Everything You've Wanted to Know About Eating Raw for Health and Longevity

Anytime you watch the news, read a magazine, surf the internet, or read the newspaper one thing is clear - we are concerned about our health. There are several different ways to achieve a better state of health. You can make diet and lifestyle changes that result in you reaching your goals. But unfortunately, we often turn to fad diets and extreme exercising in order to achieve what we believe to be a normal state of health.

Well, doing things that are extreme are not necessarily good for you. The body is a very complex machine. It takes the right nutrients in order for it to perform optimally. Our modern diets are depleted in a lot of these nutrients and it makes it difficult to achieve the level of health that we really want. Even a diet that is healthy by certain standards may not contain all we need. That is, unless, we consume a high amount of raw foods in order to make up for it.

One of the best ways out there to live a healthy lifestyle is to make the switch and eat a diet made up of mainly raw foods. This includes any food that is in its uncooked state. Because raw foods contain a high amount of nutrients, especially if the raw foods are also organic, it can help clear up certain health problems like obesity and heart disease and cause you to live a life that is filled with energy and free of disease.

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Private Label Product #12
Extra Cash From Your eBooks

Publishing on Amazon Kindle for Passive Cash

The Internet and modern day self-publishing opportunities have made this the perfect time to become an author. Publishing your own writing doesn't require the approval of a publishing house, nor do you need a book company to market your product for you. In this day and age, as long as you have a computer and can write in popular word processing programs, you have the option to publish and market your own books online.

The Kindle platform is one such venue that makes it very easy for anyone to publish their own books and start to gather an audience for their work. That's because the Kindle, an ebook reader developed by Amazon.com, has the backing of this large online book retailer to help promote your offerings on their website. They offer the tools to make it possible for anyone to publish ebooks that many of their Kindle fans can find online and buy.

But, before we get into the mechanics of how to use this unique platform to publish your manuscripts, you do want to do a little planning ahead of time - particularly if you have no topic or ebook ready to publish, yet. The making of a bestseller isn't just about uploading a perfectly formatted ebook. It's also about understanding the market for ebooks and learning what sells best. By paying attention to the market first, this helps you not only become a successful author, but a profitable one too!

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to edit, rebrand, sell and re-purpose as your own!

Private Label Product #13
Supplements Facts and Myths Uncovered

Are You Really Getting the Nutrition You Need?

When checking out facts about Vitamin B, it is important to be able to differentiate between what information is an actual fact, and what is simply a myth.

Unfortunately, there are myths about just about everything, so any information learned on any topic should always be evaluated before deciding whether or not it is true. There are many myths about vitamins and supplements in circulation today.

Some vitamins, such as vitamin D, have many myths attributed to their use. Others, such as vitamin A, do not have any at all. The following sections will break down the myths about specific vitamins.



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Private Label Product #14
Get Me Traffic Now

Your Action Plan to Keeping Your Lonely Website Happy and Full of Visitors

Internet Traffic is the most important part of marketing online. Traffic is what creates a successful online business. Without it, you're going to be starving in the world of Internet marketing.

Internet marketers are always learning new tricks to build traffic. Many people have been doing this sort of thing for years now and can quickly generate interest by posting videos or other content on the web. Those are the people who are usually competing for you for eyeballs, especially if they are in your market niche.






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Private Label Product #15
Juice My Site Get Backlinks

How to Get Backlinks that Matter to Google

Backlinks, also known as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links, are incoming links to a website or web page. In basic link terminology, a backlink is any link received by one web page, directory, or top level domain from another web page.

When we think of Internet marketing, the word “backlink” doesn’t automatically come to mind. In fact, most people who aren’t involved with a website would not even know what a backlink means. To put it simply, a backlink is any URL link from another website that will take web surfers directly to your website. So, a backlink is like a business card (in the form of an Internet address) that you gave to someone who then refers other people back to you.



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Private Label Product #16
My First Pet Cat

Essential Tips to Finding a Perfect Feline Friend

Owning a pet is one of the most rewarding and sometimes one of the most challenging endeavors that anyone can get into. Studies show that having a pet can significantly reduce stress levels and can play an active role in psychosocial development for children and adults. Many people have even had their lives saved by the animals they care for, and that goes for just about any pet.

In this book we're going to be talking all about cats. Now, honesty I could write a few good books on getting and caring for a cat so we're going to try to focus on the most pertinent information that will actually help you select a new feline friend and take care of him or her!




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Private Label Product #17
Simple Clickbank Blogging

A Simple Marketing Strategy for Those That Don't Like Hard Selling

Writing reviews can put some serious cash in the bank if you make it work for you, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

I want to teach you to focus on ClickBank's marketplace as your source for content and cash when writing reviews for your blog. There are many excellent reasons to do this - both for your readers' sakes and for your own affiliate marketing success.

For one thing, ClickBank product quality can vary widely. People need a "guide" to get them safely past the duds to find targeted products they really need. Anyone who can deliver rapidly becomes an "authority" - which is the fast track to turning yourself into a sought-after super affiliate.
In order to do this, however, you need to know how to get past those duds yourself.



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That's Over $12,878 Worth of Pure Private Label Gold at Your Fingertips... that You can Start Profiting from Immediately!

Let's add up the value of this package and keep in mind that these are conservative values based on what licensing rights could be sold for. The actual cost of creating these products would be much more!

Product Value
Product #1 - Click Drive Media Traffic $197
Product #2 - eBook Syndication Sites $197
Product #3 - Fancy Cash (4-Part Course) $197
Product #4 - JV Giveaway Events $197
Product #5 - Product Launch (6-Part Course) $197
Product #6 - Quick Cash Method $197
Product #7 - Slide Share Traffic (3-Part Course) $197
Product #8 - Teespring Cash (4-Part Course) $197
Product #9 - Traffic Exchanges (3-Part Course) $197
Product #10 - US Free Ads Traffic $197
Product #11 - Yahoo Answers Cash $197
Product #12 - 3 Hot Paid Traffic Sources (3-Part Course) $197
Product #13 - 4 Figure Promo Secrets (4-Part Course) $197
Product #14 - 5 Secret Instant Traffic Sources (5-Part Course) $197
Product #15 - 6 Free Traffic Methods (6-Part Course) $197
Product #16 - 8 Ways To Grow Your Business with Warrior Forum (5-Parts) $197
Product #17 - Affiliate Mastery $197
Product #18 - Amazon Affiliate Startup (3-Part Course) $197
Product #19 - Amazon FBA Program (5-Part Course) $197
Product #20 - Buyers List Arbitrage $197
Product #21 - Conversion Booster Pro (4-Part Course) $197
Product #22 - Co-Registration Secrets (3-Part Course) $197
Product #23 - CPA Facebook Ads (5-Part Course) $197
Product #24 - Making Money In Embarrassing Niches (4-Part Course) $197
Product #25 - Fast Traffic Secrets 2.0 (1 Hour+ Course) $197
Product #26 - Facebook Ad Secrets (5-Part Course) $197
Product #27 - Free Traffic Mastery (4-Part Course) $197
Product #28 - Front Page Internet (5-Part Course) $197
Product #29 - Hire Your First Virtual Assistant (3-Part Course) $197
Product #30 - "How I Did It" Marketing with Saul Maraney (1 Hour Course) $197
Product #31 - How To Upload PLR Products (8-Part Course) $197
Product #32 - Install WordPress (6-Part Course) $197
Product #33 - Instant Traffic For Newbies (3-Part Course) $197
Product #34 - Instant Traffic For Pennies With Bing Ads (4-Part Course) $197
Product #35 - Large Solo Ad Vendors And List Brokers (7-Part Course) $197
Product #36 - Make Money In 5 Minutes (3-Part Course) $197
Product #37 - Master YouTube Editor (8-Part Course) $197
Product #38 - Traffic Meltdown (40 Minute Course) $197
Product #39 - YouTube Cash (3-Part Course) $197
Product #40 - 6 to 7 Figure Blueprint $197
Product #41 - Amazon Affiliate Marketing $197
Product #42 - CPA Profits On Demand $197
Product #43 - Creating Your Own Software $197
Product #44 - Dropship 100 $197
Product #45 - Expert Media Buying $197
Product #46 - Facebook Banner Ad Mastery $197
Product #47 - Facebook CPA $197
Product #48 - List Building For Free $197
Product #49 - Making Money on Snapchat $197
Product #50 - Making Money Without Selling $197
Product #51 - Monetizing Your Blog Models $197
Product #52 - Product Launch Exposed $197
Product #53 - Review Blogging $197
Product #54 - Solo Ads Today $197
Product #55 - The Funnel Hacker $197
Product #56 - Traffic And Leads Fast Track $197
Product #57 - WarriorPlus Sales Explosion $197
Product #58 - Full Fat Adsense Cash Cow $97
Product #59 - Help! I'm a Nervous Wreck $97
Product #60 - Affiliate Wise Guy $97
Product #61 - Make Money Selling Nothing $97
Product #62 - 15 I.M. Questions Answered $97
Product #63 - Work At Home For Busy Moms $97
Product #64 - How to Catch a Cheating Lover $97
Product #65 - Follow Up Profits $97
Product #66 - Weight Loss For Your Body Type $97
Product #67 - ClickBank Sales Machine $97
Product #68 - The Raw Food Diet $97
Product #69 - Extra Cash From Your eBooks $97
Product #70 - Supplements Facts and Myths Uncovered $97
Product #71 - Get Me Traffic Now $97
Product #72 - Juice My Site Get Backlinks $97
Product #73 - My First Pet Cat $97
Product #74 - Simple Clickbank Blogging $97
Grand Total (Conversative Value) $12,878

And this doesn't account for... market research, planning and development, the time and attention need to manage a team of professionals, graphic designer fees, software developer fees, video production fees or the time needed to assemble everything together.

This is a lucrative opportunity to cash in with your unrestricted PLR videos and give-away or even sell your own army of video products with almost ZERO risk on your part!

Just to put things into perspective... a videographer can charge $900 to record, edit and render just ONE 60 minute video... let alone a full video course. Getting custom work done like this is going to cost you many times the cost of this package!


Want to Squeeze More Profit from Your Products?...

Here's 13 Creative Ways to Maximize your...
Earning Potential and Do What 99% of
Resellers Won't Do...

Money Making Idea #1 - Got a bunch of PLR articles or Adsense website templates or blogs? Sell the Adsense Cash Cow eBook, then-upsell a packaged of 'made for adsense' niche blogs or websites for a higher price. You could even recommend that Adsense program as an affiliate in your eBook!

Money Making Idea #2 - Sell 'How To Catch A Cheating Lover' on ClickBank and offer 75% commission. Let the affiliates do the selling for you so you can build a list and generate passive profit. In your eBook and auto-responder sequence you can affiliate and review equipment to help your customers with their problem such as hidden cameras, computer surveillance software, landline telephone recorded etc.

Money Making Idea #3 - Want to start a low-cost high-value membership? Strip the contents from '15 I.M. Questions Answered' and turn it into a paid newsletter or as part of a membership. Deliver 1 answer per week to keep your members happy for a month. Mix and match with 'Make Money Selling Nothing' and 'Affiiate Wise Guy' to provide content for several months! Got more PLR eBooks? Organize all your content in a logical order and you'll easily create a 52-week automated membership that you will never have to update!

Money Making Idea #4 - Already in the internet marketing niche and want to attract a new audience? Offer 'Work At Home For Busy Moms' as your front-end product. Now you can re-market your existing products with a quick title alternation. Selling a blogging course? Rename it to 'Blogging Made Easy For Self-Employed Moms'. Selling a mindset course? Rename it to '7 Skills Every Single Mom Needs To Succeed Online'.

Money Making Idea #5 - Want to enter the dating niche with a bang? Break down the chapters of 'Help I'm A Nervous Wreck' into several mini-articles. Create PowerPoint slides from them, add in some stock photos, hire a voice-over to read and record the slides on Fiverr. Then have them compile the audio and video and you have a video ready to submit to YouTube for free traffic. You could covert the entire product into a video course and offer it as an up-sell or even increase the front-end price for more profit!

Money Making Idea #6 - Bundle similar topics together to increase your offer value. Sell 'Internet Marketing For Busy Moms', '15 I.M. Questions' and 'Affiliate Wise Guy' as one offer. If you sold 1 product for $9.95, you could easily offer all 3 for $19.95. This allows your customer to spend more whilst saving more whilst you increase your profits.

Money Making Idea #7 - Got a bunch of PLR articles or email newsletters that you've never used? Sell the Follow Up Profits eBook, then-upsell a package of 'done for you' newsletters and squeeze pages for $17-$47. You could take it one step further and offer a squeeze page and email sequence integration service for $97-$197 or more! Why just install one squeeze page for one niche, when you could install 10 or more and charge bigger prices! Don't forget you can even promote Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp or any other autoresponder, and pick up more commissions!

Money Making Idea #8 - Sell 'My First Pet Cat' on ClickBank and offer 75% commission. Let the affiliates do the selling for you so you can build a list and generate passive profit. In your eBook and auto-responder sequence you can affiliate and review Amazon equipment to help your customers make other purchase decisions such as automated food dispensers, cat toys, even pet insurance and more.

Money Making Idea #9 - Want to start a low-cost high-value membership? Strip the contents from 'ClickBank Sales Machine' and turn it into a paid newsletter or as part of a membership. Deliver 1 chapter per week to keep your members happy for a month. Mix and match with 'Simple Clickbank Blogging' and 'Get Me Traffic Now' to provide content for several months! Got more PLR eBooks? Organize all your content in a logical order and you'll easily create a 52-week automated membership that you will never have to update! Get the content re-formatted into video articles and downloadable audios to improve your stick rate!

Money Making Idea #10 - Rename your products to attract specific sub-niches! Attract a new audience by offer 'Simple ClickBank Blogging' as your front-end product. Now you can re-market your existing products with a quick title alternation. Selling a SEO course? Rename it to 'SEO Made Easy For Bloggers', or 'Link Building For Bloggers'. Selling a mindset course? Rename it to '7 Skills Every Blogger Needs To Succeed Online'.

Money Making Idea #11 - Want to enter the weight loss niche with a profit bang? Break down the chapters of 'Weight Loss For Your Body Type' into several mini-articles. Create PowerPoint slides from them, add in some stock photos, hire a voice-over to read and record the slides on Fiverr. Then have them compile the audio and video and you have your own unique video ready to submit to YouTube for free traffic or as a sales video. You could covert the entire product into a video course and offer it as an up-sell or even increase the front-end price for more profit!

Money Making Idea #12 - Create a 'preview' version of each eBook by removing 50%-75% of the content. At the beginning and end of the product add a text link to your sales letter where they can buy the full version of the product. If you cut your 'preview' product right in the middle of an important topic, then your reader will definitely want to grab the full product without hesitation. Even if your preview eBook was left on their desktop and they read it a year later, the link to your website will still be there and you'll still make the sale!

Money Making Idea #13 - Bundle similar topics together to increase your offer value. Sell 'Weight Loss For Your Body Type', 'The Raw Food Diet' and 'Supplements Facts And Myths' as one offer. If you sold 1 product for $9.95, you could easily offer all 3 for $19.95. This allows your customer to spend more whilst saving more whilst you increase your profits.

There really are no limits with PLR! Your creativity is your only limitation. Even if you took just one of the ideas from this list and fleshed it out, you could easily create a permanent income stream.

Here's an Easy to Follow Marketing Funnel Idea You Can Implement Right Away with Your PLR eBooks and Videos...

You can apply this marketing technique in any niche and get excellent results! Send your visitors to your squeeze page. Offer them a 'teaser' version of your product. Then after sign-up redirect them straight to the main offer. After they've made a purchase present an up-sell for an audio or video version of your product. Then direct them to your 'thank you page'. If a subscriber doesn't buy first time round, no worries! You can still follow-up with them with a sequence of emails and deliver useful content taken directly from the product itself.

With each follow-up email sent out, provide the link back to your main offer. If they buy great! If not, you can still offer related products in future! You can automate the entire sales process by simply launching your product on popular affiliate networks like JVZoo, DigiResults, ClickBank, Zaxaa, DealGuardian etc. to recruit affiliates and maximize your sales!


Your Customers Will Simply LOVE the Amazing Video Content You Give Them!

...and Will Keep Reading Your Emails... Clicking Your Links... and Buying Your Products without Hesitation!

Imagine for a second your subscribers saying things like...

"Wow thanks for telling me exactly what to do!"... "Thanks for showing me step-by-step!"... "I'm definitely going to buy more of your products!"... "I'm definitely going to recommend your video training as an affiliate!"...

When you can deliver REAL value and REAL results to your subscribers and customers... this will have a massive knock-on effect!

With these powerful unrestricted PLR videos you will accelerate your success online. Period. They will help you establish yourself in the marketplace. They will help you gain trust with your new found customers. They will even help you generate more sales with your affiliate program.

With your unrestricted PLR videos all the hard work is done. Let the videos do all the selling for you without you having to even touch a video camera!


Fast Action Bonus

ACT NOW and You'll Also Receive an Entire Duplicate of this Special Offer so You Can Flip Everything 'As Is' for Even More Cash!

Act now and you'll also receive your very own special offer page similar to what you're seeing now so you can present your own subscribers with one heck of a deal!

No need to write a new salesletter, no need to design graphics. Just slap on your payment button, upload and sell!

Please note however that this super bonus WILL NOT be around forever and can be taken down at any time. If you want to get the best deal, have your very own business and maximize your profit then be sure to secure this bonus now! This bonus alone will multiply your income instantly.

A value of $197! Yours FREE!


Instant Access to 250+ 'Do What You Want' Video Tutorials with 100% Unrestricted
Private Label Rights!!

...to Edit, Sell, Bundle, Re-package, Flip, Give-Away, Educate Your Subscribers, Add to Memberships, Offer as Bonuses, Use to Build a List, Gain Recognition as an Expert... Plus so much more!

"What's My License?"

You'll be getting an unrestricted private label license to the entire video package. This allows everyone to create their own website and put their own flavour to the product. It also means that we can substantially lower the price that you would normally pay for one video!

Licensing Rights for the Unrestricted PLR videos
[YES] Can sell personal rights
[YES] Can sell resell rights
[YES] Can sell master resell rights
[YES] Can sell private label rights
[YES] Can give videos away for free
[YES] Can be added to PAID and FREE membership sites
[YES] Can sell on sites like Flippa / eBay
[YES] Can break video tutorials into smaller modules and/or sell seperately
[YES] Can be re-packed
[YES] Can sell as a one-time offer
[YES] Can add bonuses to the package
[YES] Can be added as bonus to a paid package

Licensing Rights for the Private Label Rights eBooks
You can sell your product and keep 100% of the profits
[YES] You can sell Resell Rights to your customers and generate even more income
[YES] You can put your name as the author
[YES] You can re-name and/or re-brand this product instantly
[YES] You can get affiliates to promote your product and build your list with the FREE traffic
[YES] You can set up joint ventures and ad swaps with other marketers
[YES] You can create FREE reports and give them away in order to pull in quality leads
[YES] Offer the product as an upsell or backend offer for an existing product you currently sell
[YES] Change or customize the content any way you please
[YES] Add your affiliate links to the backend recommended product offers and generate even more cash
[YES] Use the content as training materials
[YES] And much, much more!


There's NO Better Time to Build Your
Online Business and it's NEVER too Late
to Get Started!...

If you feel like you're not getting the most from your subscriber list and using it to it's fullest potential, either because of technical hurdles or you're short on time, then these unrestricted PLR videos are for you.

Remember EVERYTHING gets sent to you immediately.

You're getting access to the content we needed years ago but had to learn ourselves the hard way. Order now in complete confidence and we'll deliver this course to you immediately.


Normal Price $97
Special Discount Applied! Your Price...

$37.00 $12.97


"David makes such wonderful and generous offers!"

If, like me, you are struggling as you are not techie, his products will help you tremendously. His integrity is just beyond reproach. I have been dealing with many marketers, but I was absolutely bowled over by his quick response and customer care. If only I could say this for all internet marketers I have dealt with. I will most definitely be buying more stuff from him as the products he offers is just amazing and the pricing is just incredible - Cecilia Fanner

"I highly appreciate your products !"

I have bought alot from you through my journey online & can say I would choose using and buying your products rather than any others online and thats because no matter what you have always corrected or fixed any problem I had without a hassle or a million questions. Thank you so much Mr.David Railey One day I hope to have the knowledge & level of expertise you market. - Travis Bradford

"Thanks for your informative and prompt reply!"

It is so gratifying to deal with people who care for their clients. It is such a breath of fresh air in a rather putrid environment of skulduggery. Cheers and all the best - Tom Clippingdale

"David Railey-You are awesome!"

I just wanted to let you know. After dealing with so many internet marketers (and you guys know your stuff) who feel a bit like "used car salesman," your approach is refreshing. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it. - Merry Wise

"We have been doing business for years, and I continue to take advantage of your offers ..."

You find and offer things that save me hours and hours of 'Google' time for just a few bucks - and time is money ... You are the most generous with your low pricing and HUGE deals ... you offer so much for so little, are you out of your mind? You helped me so much with being able to help others with your generous 'Rights' ... I can afford to buy low and sell low ... best regards - Ken O

"This is the absolutely best course I have ever found."

This is the absolutely best course I have ever found. It is packed full of tips and ways to learn to create your own products. Quick and easy videos give one all the information needed to start selling instead of buying all those shiny objects that drain you bank account. Cannot say enough good words about it! Going through it like crazy so I can finally begin selling my own products. - Cassandra Cholaki

"Products that I use to this very day... they simply work"

The very first product I ever bought from David was over 3 years ago and that's how I got my start in Internet Marketing. Needless to say he's still cranking out high quality products that I use to this very day simply because they work. David knows internet marketing! - Terry Phong

"Its refreshing to see people like you who have huge amounts of integrity"

Great content and excellent value. When it comes to making money online, you certainly know how to do it AND know how to 'Teach it' With so much rubbish out there in the online space, its refreshing to see people like you who have huge amounts of integrity making huge strides and allowing people like me to take advantage. Cheers and best of luck. - John Faul

"David simply out classed all of them"

David over delivers every single time. I am not saying this because I always buy his stuffs but I have bough products of other marketers too, but David simply out classed all of them. Some times I don't even read his Sales Latter Before Buying coz I know I'll more then I can expect. - Rohit Thakur

"David I absolutely love your work"

David... I absolutely love your work! I have made a couple of purchases from you and have been offering it both in my member's area and out. As for traffic, I use a varied ways. SEO, social networking, rss, emailing, backlinking, video, directories, etc... Thanks again! - IsabelDaGuerra

"Everything is clearly explained!"

Just what I needed to learn how to promote my own products! The products, sales letter, auto responder sequences, available help, are all super important for a newbie like myself. Hey, I can even use the products for my own education. The graphics are unbelievable. This program is worth its weight in gold. Everything is clearly explained! - Joseph Daniels

"Recovered my investment in less than 15 days!"

I have been on your mailing list David and I have also bought several re-sell products from you in the past. I have recovered my investment and made profit in less than 15 days. In my 12 years of Internet experience, I have never seen more beautiful graphics than yours. I am a big fan of your stunning images and most convincing messages that make me to take action. I look forward to more useful products from you to promote. - Malathy Badri

"Very thorough, informative and you over deliver... someone I know I can trust"

Thanks again David for another fine quality product. I have been a member of quite a few of your email lists and have purchased a lot of your products also. One thing I can say is they all are very thorough, informative and you over deliver. I have dealt with a lot of online marketers but there are very few like you who deliver such value and so quick to respond to e-mails. You are someone I know I can trust and that is very important in this business. Thanks again David and hope to be able to meet you someday. - Rick Sorrels

"Increase my email list to over 1000"

I have been buying and selling PLR products for a couple of years now, with varying degrees of success. I know how time consuming it is to create and develop your own products! Then I came across David, by accident and have been amazed at the quality and completeness of his products. I have a number of these products now and have successfully used them to increase my email list to over 1000! Keep it coming David! - Nigel Currie

"It does not get any better than this"

It does not get any better than this. If you thought that selling your own digital product online was beyond you then think again. Discover how to create audios, interviews, videos courses, reports and ebooks in a single afternoon. - Brian Lawrence


To Your Success!

David Railey is an established internet marketer with over 15 years of online experience. He provides innovative high level turn-key solutions and website installation services for marketers. The Ultra Sales Machine is the result of years of knowledge and experience all condensed into one powerful marketing system that any beginner and expert can profit from. David will be handling all the backend sales and future product launches on your behalf to ensure you continue to profit!

Click Here to Rebrand Your PLR Videos to Increase Sales