ATTENTION AFFILIATES! Start Promoting Physical Product Profits NOW And Earn A Generous 100% Commission Paid Instantly Into Your PayPal Account With Every Sale!
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H ere's 5 great reasons you should start promoting Physical Product Profits today!...
1. Great low cost product - high volume of sales! Physical Product Profits is a video training product that'll be highly desirable for anyone looking to start a business online but don't have a large budget to work with. We have a great set of bonuses and very low refund rates simply because our product delivers! This means more stable commission for you!
2. You earn a generous 100% commission for every sale you refer! That's right, you earn way more than us with our insanely high payout! There are other affiliate programs out there only offering 50% commission or less however we're here to make YOU money!
3. We do all the nitty-gritty admin work! As an affiliate you won't have to trouble yourself with processing payments, product creation, product maintenance, refunds or customer support! Simply send the traffic to us and we'll convert it for you! Simple.
4. We give you all the tools you need! We have a wide range of tools that you can copy and paste onto your website and email lists! Choose from a selection of banners, auto-responder emails and more to help you make as many sales as you want for yourself! You can even use content from our main sales page to help you come up with your own landing pages and reviews!
5. We're here to stay! Other product vendors may come and go, but we have the professional edge over them and are products are solid winners! Don't waste your time trying to promote something that doesn't look right! If you like the look of the product, chances are your visitors will too!
Ready to become our affiliate and start making sales?...
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You have full permission to use all the resources below and modify them as long as they are used to promote this site. With that said, happy promoting!
Personalize Your Resources!
Sign up with ClickBank if you haven't already done so and replace xxxxx with your ClickBank username. This will be your raw affiliate link which you can copy and paste into your website, your Email signature, into your autoresponder series, into your articles, into your eBooks and so on. Alternatively, if you have your own custom link, place it in here to update all your resources.
Cloak Your Affiliate Link!
Cloaking your affiliate link will protect your commissions. Create a new text file and copy and paste in the code with your affiliate link. Rename the file to index.php and upload to a folder on your server.
For example, your new affiliate link will become:
If you would like to update your resources with your cloaked affiliate link enter your new URL in the affiliate link generator above.
send Out Emails!
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you've got a mailing list of your own, you can schedule a few email series into your broadcast straight away. Even if you haven't started list building, you can still add these emails into your auto-responder sequence so that new subscribers will be exposed to the offer!
NEW RELEASE! Physical Product Products (how to sell Amazon products + get traffic!...)
SUBJECT: NEW RELEASE! Physical Product Products (how to sell Amazon products + get traffic!...)
Hi {!firstname_fix},
I'm sure you've heard about being an affiliate
for information products, but did you realize
there is a whole new market that you are missing
out on that can allow you to sell the most
popular items over and over again?...
Did you know that there are a huge set of
products that people spend money on, use and
enjoy using every single day?
What's even more interesting is that these
products generate more interest and views that
digital products!... Not that's saying something!
In a rush?...
Physical Product Profits is a full blown course
dedicated to showing you how to cash in selling
physical products as an Amazon affiliate.
Inside you'll be shown...
Video 1: Overview of the system and how to find
the best products to promote.
Video 2: Select your product to promote and
find the best keywords to match it.
Video 3: How to become an affiliate for step-by-step.
Video 4: Learn the best domains to use for this
system and how to register the domain.
Video 5: The steps to setup a quality website
hosting account.
Video 6: Setup The methods for pointing your
domain to your hosting account laid out in simple
Video 7: How to quickly setup a Wordpress
website using automatic tools.
Video 8: Learn how to optimize Wordpress using
plugins and changing settings to maximize search
engine traffic.
Video 9: How to select a free and professional
theme that will put you into profits faster.
Video 10: How to grab your affiliate
Video 11: How to create your first money post
for Wordpress.
Video 12: Begin promotion of your new site with
social bookmarking.
Video 13: Write and submit a press release to
get traffic in hours.
Video 14: Leverage top Web 2.0 properties for
more sales.
Video 15: Video marketing from A to Z using a
unique approach.
Video 16: Rinse and Repeat the steps for other
niches and more possible riches.
Plus so much more!
This course will guide you by the hand and not
leave a single piece of detail out. You'll even
be taught how to generate traffic which some
courses don't include.
If you're currently involved with affiliate
marketing {!firstname_fix}, and find that being
an affiliate marketer for digital products is not
working for you, then do take some time to see
how this course can help you...
LAST CALL For 'Physical Product Profits' Course {!firstname_fix}! (less than 24 hours left...)
SUBJECT: LAST CALL For 'Physical Product Profits' Course {!firstname_fix}! (less than 24 hours left...)
Hi {!firstname_fix},
A couple of days ago I told you about my latest
release 'Physical Product Profits'.
This is a 16-part in-depth video course that'll
show you how to sell Amazon's line of products
(products that are already selling) and bank
commissions as an affiliate.
If you missed it here the link again...
Why would you want to sell Amazon products you
ask?... Well quite simply because they stock the
products that people want to buy.
The companies that created the products have
already invested millions into advertising them
and getting them known, which is why people would
be typing the product name into the search
engines as a keyword - hint hint! ;)
Inside you'll be shown...
Video 1: Overview of the system and how to find
the best products to promote.
Video 2: Select your product to promote and
find the best keywords to match it.
Video 3: How to become an affiliate for step-by-step.
Video 4: Learn the best domains to use for this
system and how to register the domain.
Video 5: The steps to setup a quality website
hosting account.
Video 6: Setup The methods for pointing your
domain to your hosting account laid out in simple
Video 7: How to quickly setup a Wordpress
website using automatic tools.
Video 8: Learn how to optimize Wordpress using
plugins and changing settings to maximize search
engine traffic.
Video 9: How to select a free and professional
theme that will put you into profits faster.
Video 10: How to grab your affiliate
Video 11: How to create your first money post
for Wordpress.
Video 12: Begin promotion of your new site with
social bookmarking.
Video 13: Write and submit a press release to
get traffic in hours.
Video 14: Leverage top Web 2.0 properties for
more sales.
Video 15: Video marketing from A to Z using a
unique approach.
Video 16: Rinse and Repeat the steps for other
niches and more possible riches.
Plus so much more!
This truely is one heck of a course and will
guide you every step of the way.
Once you've gone through everything you'll be
well on your way to banking some decent
commissions simply by 'piggy backing' off the
large manufacturers and corporations!
P.S. This will be the last email regarding this
course {!firstname_fix} before it gets taken down.
I do this to let only a certain number of people
get hold of the information and so I can see who
on my list is serious about making money online.
Make sure you reserve your copy today before the
timer expires!
Niche Marketing Lesson #1 of 9 - What Is A Niche Market?
SUBJECT: Niche Marketing Lesson #1 of 9 - What Is A Niche Market?
Let's start with a question {!firstname_fix}...
What is a Niche Market?
Niche marketing is a sellers ability to promote
and sell a product or services to consumers.
Niche markets can also vary by geography,
culture, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation,
etc. No matter the target group, niche marketing
direct its efforts to figure out what that market
might want and to meet the needs that are the
most common to a that particular set of consumers.
It is not surprising that some markets might
designate a target market to work with. Contrary
to popular belief, this marketing tactic is
actually easier. Focusing on a specific niche
will spare the Internet marketer a lot of legwork
in trying to keep up with ever-growing consumer
demand, all the while making sure that services
and products appropriate to the niche are always
Once a marketer is successful in identifying a
certain niche and decides to capitalize on it,
the best approach is to use marketing strategies
that are specific to that group of consumers.
Using the right approach for the right niche will
ensure that the Internet marketers group of
products will be useful to that particular niche
and will prove more beneficial than any other
product line in meeting the needs of that niche
in the long run.
Okay, now the next question...
Why Go Into The Niches?
Niche or Micro Niche marketing is a great way to
uncover a particular or specific consumer market
that is often ignored or overlooked because of
small scale value. For instance, large-scale
companies in the telecommunications field are
more than likely to ignore a smaller (potential)
customer base that is related to, say, nonprofit
Clients of a faith-based nonprofit organization,
for example, would not be interested in anything
that such a company sells unless it modifies its
selling strategy to appeal to their temperament.
In other words, niche or micro niche markets face
the task of coming up with unique products and
services targeting the members of that particular
For example, smart marketers can choose to tap
into niche markets even at the state or local
level and modify a marketing strategy that will
cater to their needs and win their trust easily.
To your success!
Niche Marketing Lesson #2 of 9 - Niche Marketing vs Mass Marketing
SUBJECT: Niche Marketing Lesson #2 of 9 - Niche Marketing vs Mass Marketing
Marketers to mass markets must create a product
that every type of consumer will want to buy.
This is the reason that a mass marketing strategy
will usually promote brands rather than the
product itself. For example, a mass marketing
approach might focus on selling all Dell products
rather than the laptops it is so famous for, even
if the intended purchase is indeed a Dell laptop.
Large companies tend to sell such products with
more focused marketing techniques.
In comparison, because niche markets include only
a specific type of consumer, it is a smaller
segment of the larger market normally targeted by
a company employing a mass marketing strategy.
However, the main advantage of a niche market is
that consumers normally are willing to pay more
for a product that will cater to their exact
Companies also tend to use niche marketing since
it means little competition from other companies
that might be selling other brands.
In other words, if an individual marketer chooses
to market a niche this way, it normally means
increased revenues. The fact that there is very
limited competition is an added bonus. An
effective niche marketing strategy also means
that such a marketer will be able to retain
clients for a longer time period. In the rare
case that a niche marketer loses a client to the
competition, the loss is not as damaging because
the potential revenue per client is not as great.
In other words, you won't lose a high-revenue
client since this type of marketing is done on a
smaller scale.
Perhaps the best thing about niche marketing is
that it can be applied to almost any type of
business. For example, real estate agents might
choose to market niches that are focused on
apartment complexes rather than single homes. The
options are nearly endless. A bookstore might
choose to focus on a niche market that is
attracted to books by a certain author. A
cosmetic company might choose to target women in
a specific age range, which means that their
products will be applicable to every age range
regardless of where the women live.
To your success!
Niche Marketing Lesson #3 of 9 - Going Deeper Into Micro Niche Marketing
SUBJECT: Niche Marketing Lesson #3 of 9 - Going Deeper Into Micro Niche Marketing
Micro niche, as the name implies {!firstname_fix},
is on an even smaller scale than niche
marketing. In other words, micro niche marketing
is based on marketing to only one segment of a
niche market. For example -
1. Mass Market We sell Samsung products.
2. Niche Marketing tactic We sell Samsung
3. Micro niche Marketing We sell Samsung
refrigerators in San Francisco.
Get the picture? Locating a niche market might
eliminate the competition; however, locating a
micro niche market can prove to be even more
beneficial to budding online entrepreneurs. If
you define an even smaller subgroup in a niche
market and find products that are appealing to
just that group of consumers, you have in your
hands a micro niche.
If you are still unsure of what capitalizing on a
smaller version of a niche market might entail,
here are some ideas.
1. Credibility
Your area of specialization gets narrowed down
when you are working on a micro niche. This can
give you an advantage over other competing
niches. Since you are targeting only a specific
subgroup of your niche, consumers will be more
attracted toward your recommendations.
Why? Consumers are more inclined to trust your
own recommendations and resources rather than
generalized information from yourcompetitors
targeting a larger group.
Focusing in a specific area of expertise will
also help you forge long-lasting relationships
withclients who are in search of the exact
service or products you are offering.
2. Leave the Competition in the Dust
You can have just a single portfolio of specific
products and services if your business is
marketing to a micro niche. Remember, the key is
specialization. Your competition may be focusing
in the same niche that you are, but since they
will also try to spread out on a wider scale,
their lack of specialization will put them out of
the equation.
3. Enjoy a greater ROI
ROI means return on investment. The best thing
about micro niche marketing is that it allows you
a great advantage of charging higher prices for
your products and services.
Specialization in anything has its perks. It
allows you to claim being an expert in whatever
you are selling. Customers feel comfortable
taking their businesses to those who they feel
will provide them with quality information and
products. Chalk one up for credibility.
Since you have already established yourself as an
expert in your field by now, you can now focus on
beefing up your brand. All it takes is making
sure that your products or services stay in the
top position in your customers minds, one micro
niche at a time.
Customers will also start associating your own
name with the niche you are promoting. This way,
a lot of them will keep coming back.
Other than that, micro niche marketing will also
help you build on your relationship with key
customers more efficiently. This beats having to
keep track of a lot of sales as well.
This will also spare you the effort of having to
compete with larger companies that have already
established their brand in the broader market.
Obviously, these companies get to enjoy a bigger
marketing budget which allows them to stay ahead
of their competition. However, even if they do
claim to sell everything under the sun, you have
what they dont specialization.
4. Stay in Touch with the Latest Trends
Another reason why micro niche marketing is a
better alternative to mainstream marketing is
that it allows you free reign to create products
that no major brand has even envisioned.
Garnering all your marketing prowess toward a
single market segment is a great way to cater to
a specific target audience as well.
To your success!
Niche Marketing Lesson #4 of 9 - Setting Up Niche Websites
SUBJECT: Niche Marketing Lesson #4 of 9 - Setting Up Niche Websites
Micro niches, in spite of their appeal {!firstname_fix},
still require consistent and focused marketing,
and the only way you can do that is through
micro niche websites. The concept behind building
one of these websites is fairly simple. All you
have to do is to select a small niche and
determine whether you will base your marketing
strategy on information or actual products and
Next, you will need to build a website that
focuses on specific keywords. In other words, you
will have to specify keywords that are applicable
to that particular market. You want to choose the
words that your potential customers will be using
when they search the Internet. If you choose the
right keywords for your market, you may find that
you will start getting a lot of traffic to your
website. Inevitably, your website will rank
higher on Google as well as other major search
engines, bringing even more traffic and business
to your niche.
For example, users are more likely to search for
car batteries than for a brand that sells them.
In other words, they will search for an item by
typing in search phrases like buy car
batteries, car batteries for sale, used car
batteries for sale, etc.
Now let's move onto something a bit more
technical... keywords!
So what does a niche marketer do to ensure that
such visitors are directed to his online store?
The skilled micro niche marketer will insert the
same keywords (in the exact order) on his
website, either on the web pages themselves or on
a blog.
These blogs and sales pages will not only give
customers the information they are looking for,
but will also offer to provide them what they are
looking for by directing them to your websites.
Sounds easy right? Wrong! Typing in a few popular
words to get customers to flock to your niche
might seem like a convenient way of marketing any
business. However, you wont be doing your
business any favors if you do not know what you
are doing. In other words, it pays to know what
you have to do in order to create a marketable
Dont think that coming up with keywords will be
a piece of cake either. Not only do your chosen
keywords need to have enough oomph to get that
Internet traffic moving your way, but they also
must also be unique enough to rank higher on
major local search engines than the keywords your
competition is using.
This means that your chosen keywords need to
have as little competition as possible on the
World Wide Webin order to stand out in an already
overcrowded online market. Proper keyword
research will let you know what the hottest
searchable words are and give you a head start on
the competition.
However, siphoning out just the right keywords is
a tiresome process in itself. You might think you
know the words that most consumers will use, but
that is hardly ever the case, as most niche
marketers will tell you. On top of that, you will
ultimately have to figure out whether the niche
you are targeting actually has any potential to
bring you any profits at all.
To your success!
Niche Marketing Lesson #5 of 9 - How To Make Money With A Niche Website
SUBJECT: Niche Marketing Lesson #5 of 9 - How To Make Money With A Niche Website
There are a lot of ways you can make money out of
your micro niche website {!firstname_fix}. Most
micro niche marketers act as affiliates for major
online stores such as Amazon or eBay. You also
have a choice of inserting pay per click
advertisements or using campaigns via networks
like Google AdSense.
Basically, you can use such tools to make your
online advertisingcampaigns easier to manage.
For instance, Google Adsense can extract relevant
scripts from your websites and use it as
advertisements for your niche. These targeted
advertisements have the potential to generate
profits whether they come up to 5 cents or to
hundreds of dollars when potential customers
click on them.
Like the name implies, micro niche websites are
very small. This is also why many micro niche
marketers opt to produce as many such websites as
they can in order to generate a sizeable income.
Such websites have the added advantage of
increasing in number over time especially if you
manage to gain a lot of profits from your
previous ones.
In fact, there are online entrepreneurs who
actually make a comfortable living by creating
micro niche websites every single day.
All it takes is a little hard work and a lot of
perseverance on your part. There will be times
when you wont be able to accumulate a lot of
profits during the initial stages, but you will
eventually start noticing your success grow over
time. All you have to do is make sure that you
stay at the top of your niche even when it seems
that no one is biting.
To your success!
Niche Marketing Lesson #6 of 9 - Getting An Idea Going
SUBJECT: Niche Marketing Lesson #6 of 9 - Getting An Idea Going
As discussed before in a previous lesson
{!firstname_fix}, a niche market is a sort of
spin off or subset of a bigger industry that
focuses on promoting only specific products or
services. The products or services that you
decide to sell will depend on an even smaller
market demand. The following steps will help you
get started in determining a hot niche
You need to generate ideas for a micro niche
before you even think of banking on it.
It is important that you focus on determining a
niche that has customers who will want to buy.
For example, you can try searching for popular
niches yourself. Amongst the most clickable ones
are websites about dating, pets, cooking, loans,
beauty products, travel, hair/skin care
techniques, insurance products, to name only a
few that come quickly to mind. These ideas are
simply suggestions to get you thinking. The one
thing that you may have noticed is that these
particular niches are very narrow. The keywords
that people in these niches use to find what they
are looking for tend to be along these lines:
narrow and specific.
That is, the keywords you choose to attract the
attention of a particular niche do not
necessarily have to specify a certain brand of
product or service in order to appeal to a target
You cannot expect someone who is on the lookout
for the best hair products to specifically ask
for the brand you are marketing.
Your job as a niche marketer is to organize these
niche ideas as main categories and devise many
subcategories that will automatically direct
customers to your product or service. Whatever
the case may be, no matter what type of topic you
think of, you can count on there being a market
for it. Just make sure that it is a market that
is profitable enough for you to get the most out
of it.
To your success!
Niche Marketing Lesson #7 of 9 - Know Your Market, Know Your Audience
SUBJECT: Niche Marketing Lesson #7 of 9 - Know Your Market, Know Your Audience
It pays to know what other people are buying from
the limitless retail store that is the World Wide
Every now and then take a look what people are
searching for on online marketing ecommerce
websites like Amazon and eBay.
This will give you anidea of what makes up
popular market demands and buying trends.
In other words {!firstname_fix}, you need to
narrow down your target audience. Think about it.
How will you determine what you are actually
going to market if you do not know what people
are looking for?
The only way you can do that is to figure out
which online “watering holes” visitors like to
frequent. You can start off by “staking out”
social network websites like Twitter, Facebook or
MySpace in order to get an idea of what the
general public is into and thereforewhat they
will be most likely to buy. Next, it's a good
idea to KNOW your audience.
As mentioned, your niche or micro niche market
must have an adequate clientele that will be
exclusively interested in your products or
services. Other than that, they need to have the
resources to purchase anything from your niche
and actually be able to afford what you are
You cannot expect to get any clients if you price
your products well beyond their means. That won’t
be very practical.
It is important that you consider your options
like the competitive power of your chosen niche,
its overall size, and its profit margin before
you actually settle for a price range or the
target audience that might be able to afford it.
To your success!
Niche Marketing Lesson #8 of 9 - Turning A Niche Idea Into A Micro Niche Idea
SUBJECT: Niche Marketing Lesson #8 of 9 - Turning A Niche Idea Into A Micro Niche Idea
Remember {!firstname_fix}, unlike mass marketers
who have a smorgasbord of advertising campaigns
and people to run them, you will be going on your
own marketing journey solo. There is absolutely
no way you can ever hope of satisfying everyone
at once, so dont even try it. If you try to make
everyone happy, you will satisfy no one, least of
all yourself.
Therefore, it is best that you divide your niche
into small bite size or manageable pieces. This
isnt being lazy; its just good business sense.
For example, instead of choosing such a broad
topic like a dating niche, focus all of your
business acumen in promoting everything that
might be related to it, like senior dating,
single mom dating or Asian dating.
Another advertising example of micro niche
marketing might be Buy bicycle chains in
Chicago or Make a better burger on your outdoor
grill. The possibilities are as limitless as the
human imagination.
These examples should give you a clear idea of
how to narrow down your marketing options. This
way, you will be able to segment your chosen
niche into many micro niches, no matter what your
initial niche might be. Don't forget! When you go
micro, you get the competitive edge!
As discussed above, the best thing about micro
niche marketing is that it is more manageable
than larger projects. This means that you will
have ample time and leverage to correct any
glitches that might occur in your micro niches.
Bigger companies sometimes have to resort to
spending millions of dollars especially if their
glitches happen to be something major like a
product overhaul or call-backs.
Not only that, but these companies also
eventually have to bear the brunt of the
significant financial losses that are a result of
such glitches.
To your success!
Niche Marketing Lesson #7 of 9 - Know Your Market, Know Your Audience
SUBJECT: Niche Marketing Lesson #9 of 9 - Be Passionate About your Niche or Micro Niche
No one in your targeted niche is going to bother
doing business with you {!firstname_fix} unless
you make sure that they have an incentive to do
so. And the only way you can do that is to be
passionate about what you are selling.
Advertising your micro niche usually requires
that you keep your followers updated on certain
topics that might interest them via resources
like articles and blogs. However, in order to
ensure that they stay hooked on these freebies,
you need to make sure that they are written
If you are not enthusiastic about your niche, how
on earth will you expect yourself to write about
it? A callous attitude will ultimately show in
the content you display on your website.
Think of it this way: if you are not passionate
about what you choose to market, how do you
expect your customers to trust you? At this
point, you need to strike a balance between
having a niche with a promising keyword (or one
that is bound to pay off) and cultivating the
drive to write about it.
All it takes is confidence in your abilities and
the perseverance to ensure that everything stays
on track.
My last piece of advice is to keep updating your
Make sure that you keep adding new content on
your website on a regular basis. No matter what
type of niche you decide to target, it wont do
your business any good if you leave customers
hanging for news about their favorite items or
services. Customers want to see new and fresh
content ever day they visit your site. For
example, they would want to see something
exciting like new coupons or products in order to
give them a reason for coming back for more.
Whatever type of tactic you decide to use, the
bottom line is to provide your target audience
with something new and compelling every time they
visit your site.
This will at the very least ensure that they
never abandon you. Even a run- of-the-mill
website can become engaging if it features
exclusive advertising offers.
The best examples of this principle are affiliate
websites that can provide extra businesses or
tools that you cannot find anywhere else online.
Promising bonuses like these can increase your
websites value as well as make for a tantalizing
treat for your customers.
This is the last lesson in this niche marketing
eCourse. If you found this useful then you're
going to love the full blown course on becoming
an Amazon affiliate!
We'll be covering all the steps you need to take
to get your site, niche and keywords and you'll
even get to watch over my shoulder as I show you
where extactly to get your traffic from!
If you haven't checked this course out yet,
please do so from the link below...
To your success!
Use Banners And Images!
Banners are most effective next to text and articles and can be added as a sidebar widget on your blog! You'll also get high click-throughs when placed on thank-you pages, download pages and anywhere else in a sequence of events. Try to avoid placing too many banners on one page as it will distract and put off your visitors. If you want to promote several products, use a banner rotator tool.
thank you for your business!
We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success nor is this a guarantee as a
way to make money online from home . There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services. ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware corporation. Physical Product Profits is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any Physical Product Profits product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by Physical Product Profits in the materials on this Web page.