"David, prior to joining your coaching program I had spent well over $30,000 on 'coaches' only to find out they were salesman disguised as coaches. Here is the David Railey difference: First, I'm coached by someone who is an honest business person. Second, within a month of working with you, we created a product and it generated $1,832 in one week. You delivered results and THAT is what sold me on being a long time client of yours. I've turned into a bit of a David Railey groupie. I LOVE being coached by someone with integrity!" - Travis Thomas
From: David Railey,
To: You IF you are tired of watching others make big bucks on linewhile you make little or NOTHING
Are you frustrated because you aren't having the success you have dreamed about online?
Is one of the things that is holding you back online the fact that you know some of the parts of what to do, but for some reason when you try to do things, they don't all fit together, or work the way they are supposed to?
Are you frustrated because you have been working really hard to make money online, and working long hours, but don't have much to show for it?
Are you frustrated because every time you buy another training that promises some new "secret" that it is really just some teaching with a new angle to it - but nothing really new?
Have you tried system and system, program after program, and they all end up the same way - without making you the money you know you deserve?
Are you tired of buying product after product, learning one new technique, only to find that you need "just one more" to have success?
Does it anger you that there are folks online selling 3 click-riches programs that just flat-out don't work?
Are you frustrated with trying tactic after tactic and technique after technique only to not make the kind of money you've been dreaming about?
If not, let me ask you this: why not?
You are online, searching.
You have likely bought products or trainings that have not gotten you the results that you want. Was it something like this: a fancy, hyped up sales letter promised you that in just a few days, you would know all the secrets you needed to make all the money you ever wanted? Yeah, I know the page.
And it's not your fault. I've bought trash like that. So have many thousands or millions of others. In fact, did you know there are people online who make a living just selling products to people who will never get results?
That's right. And many times those products are empty - not literally, but in their meaning. Because you can study 10 hours of training, watch videos, read tutorials - but you know how it is, you get to something you don't "get" and you get stuck. You literally CANNOT implement what is taught unless you ask a question. But you hit reply to the email you got from the seller and no one responds. Or they tell you to submit a support ticket to some firm in India. (Nothing against India, but hey, can someone making $2 an hour in India really tell YOU how to make $100k here???)
Here's the thing, there are some specific steps that must occur in order to make money online. And if all of those elements aren't in place, you probably aren't going to make any money. Period.
You see, building an online business is much like building an offline business. For example, if you were to open a sandwich shop, what would you need?
You would need:
A location (preferably one where there is a lot of traffic out front during lunchtime)
A good sandwich recipe.
A toaster oven.
A cold case.
A refrigerator.
A cash register.
A few employees.
A method of telling people you are open (advertising, signage, etc.)
If any one of those elements are missing, you aren't going to be making money.
If your sandwiches are no good, no one's coming back.
If you don't have a cash register and a person to take the payments, you won't have money coming in.
If you don't have a location or advertising, no one is coming in to buy sandwiches.
And it's the same online.
A location (a website)
Something to sell that people want to buy.
A delivery mechanism for delivering that something (either postal system if selling a physical item, a digital download system if selling information)
A selling mechanism (meaning a way to tell other people that you have something of value that is convincing enough for people to pay you)
A way to take money (merchant account, shopping cart, etc.)
If any of these is missing, you aren't going to be making any money.
If you are trying to sell something no one wants, you aren't going to make sales. And unfortunately, I see too many people come into online marketing with an idea that is really cool - but no one wants to buy it. And they spend their time trying and trying to talk people into it, but still no one buys. Why not just find something to sell or teach that others really want to buy????
If you don't have a website so people can find your product, if you don't have a way to deliver it, if you don't have all those pieces in place, you just aren't going to be making money online.
What piece is missing for you?
Are you in the wrong niche?
Are you selling something no one wants?
Or maybe you have something everyone wants, but you are doing a really lousy job of telling them about it. Maybe you have a lousy sales page. Maybe when someone joins your list, your email campaign is really lousy. Maybe your emails turn people off instead of turning people into buyers.
So what is it?
The truth of the matter is this: you can blame the bad products you bought.
You can blame the bad training you have received.
But the fact remains - if that training didn't teach you each of the components I just shared with you, then of course it didn't work.
It doesn't matter what the sales page said, or how strong was the guarantee.
What most people need to be able to figure it all out is something they can ask questions of.
Someone they can get on the phone with and ask questions.
Someone who is there when you get stuck.
Imagine if you could get on the phone once a week with a coach and ask questions about whatever you are working on this week.
Maybe you are writing a new sales letter, but you are stuck trying to figure out what to write.
Or maybe you know a new niche, and you've 3 different keyword tools and you just can't figure out a niche.
Look, keyword tools are practically useless in figuring out a niche. There are things that sell and things that don't. And no matter how many keyword searches something has, if it doesn't sell, it doesn't sell. What if you could talk with someone personally about your idea before you wasted money promoting it?
Imagine if you don't know how to put a squeeze page together and you could get live help to do it.
How about how to create your product or sales funnel?
Or how to write an email campaign?
How would it feel to be able to get on the phone with a real live coach, someone who makes a full-time income online, someone who is in the trenches doing the work, just like you want to?
Would that make a difference?
If so, you are going to love what I propose next.
Because that is exactly what I am - a personal full-time marketer. I'm not one of those guys who says he makes a million dollars a year sitting on the beach doing nothing. I don't. They don't either.
And I don't have a staff of 50 people, and tell you you can duplicate what I do from your spare bedroom. Ever tried to fit 50 workers in your bedroom? Go ahead and laugh. Laugh out loud. I am. Because it doesn't work.
So let's face it - your best way of learning isn't learn from some long haired hippie kid that's laying on the beach, nor to learn from some stuffed shirt accountant with 50 employees (unless that's what you want to be).
Your best way of learning is to learn from someone who does what you want to do.
I do.
Here's what I do:
I have a time-tested proven system for getting people from starting out to making $1000's a month selling information products.
I have a squeeze page that convinces people to become subscribers.
I have a sales page that convinces people to enroll in coaching.
I have a weekly telephone call that people like you can call into and talk with me personally and I can work with you personal to help you build your business.
And I have a powerful email campaign that strategically convinces people to invest with me.
That's what I do.
It is my system.
It works.
I don't have any other source of income, outside of this online business.
And I can teach you to do the same.
From home. From your laptop. From a coffeeshop. While traveling.
That's what I do.
My entire business is on my laptop (and no worries, it is backed up on remote servers as well :-) )
So I work from home sometimes.
I work from a coffeeshop sometimes.
I work while traveling sometimes.
But always on my laptop (or once per week on my cellphone for the live weekly call I hold).
Is this what you want?
If so, I can teach you.
Now, one of the things I teach my clients is to have a simple system.
Meaning: consistent traffic, a consistent squeeze page, a powerful email campaign that you write once, a sales page to sell your information, a coaching program so people can ask you questions.
That's all.
If you want something more complicated, go somewhere else.
Sorry, that sounds harsh. It's not. Just the truth.
So my system is simple.
I don't upsell, downsell, cross-sell, beg, plead, cajole, sell your name, lie, cheat, disappear, pawn you off to a $2 worker in India, or anything else like you've seen other people doing.
I simply teach you my system.
And I make myself available an hour a week so you can ask all the questions you need to build your business.
If this sounds good to you, I am going to make you an offer you can't refuse. Ok, well, you can refuse it. But it will be an offer that will change your life if you take me up on it.
And one more thing: there are no guarantees of income. No wild testimonials of freak individuals who "made $1 million dollars working with me in 22 days." with a big FTC disclosure about how this is "not typical results". Well of course that's not typical results! It has probably NEVER occurred before.
Look, if you are looking for get rich quick, this isn't it.
I'm not for you.
Because making real money online isn't 3 clicks and make a million.
Nope. It takes time. The first month you figure out what you are going to sell and maybe start creating it.
The second month you start building a list and selling it.
The third month you make more sales and start scaling things.
It's not realistic for it to happen any faster than that, no matter what anyone else has told you.
But let me ask you this, if in the next 3-6 months, you could radically change your life and get on the path to success selling information products and offering a little coaching, would it be worth it?
Would that make a difference in your life?
What would be different?
How would it change the way you live?
The way you travel?
The way you relate to others?
If it would make a difference, let's get started today, shall we?
Perhaps when you got started online a year or two ago, you were thinking that by now you would already have full time income coming in, that you would have paid off all your bills, that you would have taken a month - long vacation to your favorite vacation place.
You were excited about all the wonderful things that were going to happen to you - and you were thinking that by now, you would have all that, right?
Perhaps you started by buying some trainings from different successful people online, and each one taught you something - but never everything.
Perhaps you even got addicted to buying trainings - in fact, substituting buying trainings for doing real work.
It's easier to buy another training than to shut out the rest of world, and just focus on what you know how to do.
Or maybe when you sit down to work, you know so much about what to do that you get overwhelmed with what is the exact next step for today.
You see, you might have a list of 100 things or 1000 things that you need to do to be successful.
You got that list by accumulating all the different things you have learned from many different people.
And maybe you have thought that if you just did all of them, then you would have success.
Successful people don't.
In fact, although successful people tend to work smarter, and with more perserverance than unsuccessful people, they don't always do more things.
Successful people tend to be highly focused, and work on a few very specific things that get results for them.
That's why I am very focused about my traffic, getting it from just 2 tight sources.
That's why I am very focused about what I sell - I only sell what I know will give my clients results. Period. I get requests all the time to promote this, promote that, but I don't want to promote anything that doesn't get results. And that's one big reason why I've created so much of my own training - because I've been so utterly disappointed with most of the training out there.
The truth of the matter is this: you need a coach.
You need someone who can look at what you are doing and give you laser-targeted direction for the exact next thing you need to do.
Then you go do it.
Then you come back, and he gives you the next step, the next exact laser-targeted step to take.
How would that feel, to have someone take you by the hand, and show you step by step - as you need it, not all in one big brain dump, exactly what to do next, each and every step of the way?
Would it feel good, like, yeah, I can really do this?
That's what working with me will be like!
Here's the thing - you've been struggling because you've been trying to do it on your own. Sure, you might be buying a training here, a training there, maybe you are addicted to WSOs and you buy a new one each day. But that's not real advice. That's just one more 5 hours worth of things to do. But if they don't all fit together, you have nothing.
And you don't want to continue down that path, do you?
In fact, I think that's why you are reading this - because you want to change your life once and for all, right?
Here's the thing - I don't know what you want for success.
It might be $3000 a month, it might be a million a month.
And you can do either.
So let me ask you this, what kind of income do you need so that you will be able to write your own ticket for the future?
I mean, really, what would that really mean for you?
Would it mean that you could take your family on a one month vacation anywhere in the world you want to go?
Would it mean that you could pay off all your debts so that you never have to owe anyone anything anymore?
Or would it mean that you could give more to your church, or to people who have less than you?
Let me ask you this, who could you help?
Is there someone or a people group that you really have a heart for, but you just don't have the money to spare right now to help them?
How would it feel to be able to give an extra $1000 to your church from time to time?
What about to give $1000 to a needy family in your neighborhood, how would it feel to be able to just give them a $1000 from time to time to really help them out?
How would that feel?
Would it feel good, like, I'm glad I was able to finally do this?
Here's the thing - as you know, what you have been doing isn't working. It's not working because you aren't making the money you want to.
Do you know how many people I talk with who tell me that they are "intermediate" or "advanced" marketers but they just aren't making any money?
Perhaps you feel that way.
Like you know all the steps, like you could tell someone else what to do and how to do it.
But when it comes to you - and you go to get started today on building your business - you go blank. You don't know what to do next.
Does that sound familiar?
And it's becoming a bigger and bigger problem online these days, because as there is more and more information free for the taking, it just creates more confusion.
You have too much information.
It would be like learning how to swim or do karate or snowboard, and instead of having one person telling you what to do, there are 50 coaches standing on the sideline, simultaneously screaming out what to do next. You would get utterly confused and overwhelmed, right? I know I would!
You need business advice and help that applies to your situation and niche. You don’t just want one-size-fits-all marketing tools and plans. You want something designed especially for you…and you want someone you can ask questions of and personally talk to about improving your business results.
My only caution to you in this area is you make sure you deal with a business coach who has succeeded themselves first.
Why would I bring this up? It’s for two reasons. There are a large number of coaching programs now being sold by “gurus” where the guru isn’t the one who does any of the coaching. It’s the old bait-and-switch.
You pay some fee (sometimes as high as $25,000 or more) thinking you’re dealing with the guru themselves, but they immediately hand you off to an “assistant” who is really just a $10 an hour employee trained to “hold your hand” and read you lines out of the guru’s products.
Then you have a second group of “business coaches” who have never had a successful business themselves. They’ve just paid to go to a five day business coaching seminar or training program and now they’re instantly business coaches qualified to help you do something you’ve already been doing for years.
When you join my coaching program, you contact me personally. You won’t deal with some apprentice coach and you won’t be dealing with someone “practicing” their business skills on you. You’ll have access to me and you’ll be given proven systems of success for your business.
You probably already KNOW more than enough to build a real business, the problem is, you don't know which part of what you know is relevant to you.
And until you have someone personally show you which part you need for YOU - then you will likely continue to fail to reach your goals online.
The truth of the matter is this: lack of information isn't why you aren't making more money right now.
You probably have hundreds of hours of training on your harddrive right now.
You probably own multiple WSOs, if you wanted to right now you could find 100 hours of training online for easily $100. You may have 100 hours of my training on your computer.
And the truth of the matter is, when you listen to all this training, from me or anyone else, you probably think, yeah, this is great information, this could work for me.
But it doesn't.
Either because you don't do it right.
Or because you don't do it at all, because tomorrow you buy another training program to do something else.
So if information isn't the answer, what is?
Why aren't most people making money online, when there is more information than ever before ready for the taking?
Here's the thing, some people are.
Some of my clients are.
Some of my peers are.
I know people who make anywhere from 10k a month to 1 million a month.
What's different with these people?
Why aren't most people making it, including you?
One reason is that they just don't know what to do.
They know what the next step is, every single day when they wake up in the morning . . . and they do it!
Let's face it, even with hundreds of hours of training on your harddrive - you STILL don't know what you very next step is.
Another confusion is that what many people are teaching in the programs you buy is NOT what they themselves are doing to make a living.
People are selling push button, 3 clicks and you're rich training for $100 that claim to teach you some simple system where you just have to push 3 buttons and the money comes rolling in.
But they aren't doing the 3 click system themselves. No, they make their money when you buy their $100 system. That's how they make their money. And to get people to buy, they craft a simple system that looks real easy to do, just so you'll buy the system.
But they aren't making money with the system, they are making money from selling a $100 program teaching you to do a system they have never done themselves.
Feeling sick yet?
You should be.
It's just plain wrong.
It's plain old stealing.
So what about the other end of the spectrum?
Maybe you've bought a $5k or $10,000 program and you were sorely disappointed. It wasn't outright fraud like the $100 example above - but there was so much complexity and work involved that you just didn't follow through. And when you asked for help, no one wanted to help. Because he already had your money.
Look, if that's happened to you, you are probably feeling angry right now. You see, that's wrong too.
So what's the answer?
Frankly, it's so simple, yet for most people frighteningly difficult to do.
You need traffic.
You need an entry level product to sell.
And you need a coaching program.
And you need them all in a very special mix.
Too much of one and not enough of the other, and you'll fail.
Too much of another, and not enough of the other, and you'll fail.
The mix is critical.
How would it feel to have the mix?
What would you do with the extra money?
How would your life change?
Here's the thing - I have the mix.
I know what works.
I know what doesn't.
The fads don't.
Studying the latest WSO doesn't.
Buying more products doesn't.
I know what to write in each email.
I know what to put in a product to make sales.
I know what to put in an email campaign, so that people buy.
I don't say all this to brag, but it's the truth.
That's right.
That's where the real work gets done.
It's where the real breakthroughs happen.
And when you work personally with me, I push you to get to the next level, whatever that is for you. So if you are at $0, the goal might be $3000 a month. Or if you are already at $3000 a month, the goal might be to get you to $6000.
But the key here is that this is not cookie - cutter. You aren't going to get one of those cookie cutter, everyone does the same thing - promise you to make $100k in 3 months nonsense "systems" that don't work. Look I can't promise anyone any level of income. You will only make as much as you sell, period. And if you have lousy products to sell, probably no one's buying. And if your sales letter and email campaign are lousy, probably no one's buying.
If you don't want to change your life this year, this coaching is not for you.
Because I'm going to push you.
I am going to push you to be the very best.
To get to the success you deserve.
Because I believe that will change your life.
Sure, at first it may only replace what you already make.
But once it frees you of your day job, then you can really dig deep and scale your business as big as you want.
You can choose to just drive more traffic and make more autopilot sales.
Or you can choose to go big and coach others at big levels (imagine the people you can coach when you can tell them you made $100,000 your first year with the system).
Think about it for a second.
Would it mean that you could take a longer vacation this year?
Maybe your wife could quit the job she hates?
Maybe your grandchildren can go to a better college, where they really want to go, not just where they can afford.
What would it mean for you, personally?
Would you be able to give more to your church?
Pay off your home early?
Travel more?
Really, deep down inside, what would it mean for you to have your own information business this year that is actually profitable??
So what about YOU?
What would it mean for YOU?
Would it "open a gateway for you and your family to have the financial freedom to do the things you want to do"?
Would your life go from "working a job to working a dream"?
Would it reduce stress in your life?
Would it make life easier in your family?
Would it allow you to help more people?
Would it "provide your family with stability, income, less worry, and options for education that would not otherwise be possible?"
Would it "open up the path to a much more comfortable life and help you teach my son, his wife and my grandson the value of dedication?"
How would YOUR life change with more income?
Here's the thing with my help you CAN get there, you can make the money you deserve.
You can.
You just have to take the next step.
Get started with me.
Get on the phone with me for your first coaching session.
Then we will meet for 50 more hours through the course of the year.
Teaching you, pushing you, directing you, molding you, giving you the exact answers you need to build a thriving information business.
By the way, it won't be easy. If you want easy, go buy another $100 training program, or another $7 WSO. Easy doesn't work.
It will be hard work.
If you still have hair, you will pull some of it out.
You will get so frustrated you can see straight.
Then you will get on the phone with me and I will tell you exactly what to do next.
And you will do it.
And you will have another breakthrough.
Let me ask you this -
What SHOULD I sell it for?
You see, the knowledge is in my head.
What would it be worth to you to generate $800,000?
Some people would be thrilled to get a 1000% percent return.
That would be an investment of $80,000 -
Invest $80,000 and turn it into $800,000.
And many more would be willing to invest $8,000 to make $800,000.
But the truth of the matter is that not everyone has the success I've had.
I'm what they call "not-typical"
I've had results that are "not typical"
And the average person just doesn't get results like this.
And I don't know how hard you will work, nor the results you will get.
But let me ask you this, would it be worth a few hundred a month to gain complete financial freedom and change your life completely?
How would your life change?
Would you feel like you have really accomplished something, like you have done something you could be proud of for yourself?
Over and above all the money, would it be personally satisfying to achieve success, to be able to say you "did it"?
My heart smiled when I read what Marc sent me yesterday:
"David Railey's coaching was fundamental to my business success. I quit my job last month and I'm now living from my online business full-time. And I'm loving it. During my first month after leaving my previous career I almost reached 5 figures. David's experience and support saved me years of making mistakes and thousands of dollars in the process. I can't wait to see what it's in store for me in the next year." - Marc Patton
"And some people responded that they were actually looking for what it was that I had suggested. So it's like the pieces are already built-in. It's just a matter of me putting it together in a way that gets it 'market ready'. Sometimes I have trouble staying on task.
"Not having a "boss" makes it easy to get sidetracked and procrastinate. As a result, I'm not reaching my potential. I think winning the contest for the chance to work with you, under your guidance, would change all that."
Look, this is real.
You can do it.
And you need my help to take you every step of the way.
I'm going to work with you personally.
The first option is "email/phone" coaching. You get my private email address and can send me email questions...and I'll answer them within 24 hours Monday through Saturday (I don't work Sunday).
Usually my detailed email replies to your questions will occur every morning when I check email around 8AM EST. It may take up a couple of hours to reply to all my clients from the previous day and on rare occasions it could be early afternoon instead.
Want me to review your ad copy? No problem. Need help with generating traffic? I'll provide a solution. Need someone to help with your business plan? I'm here to provide direction.
That's an email every day Monday through Saturday. All I ask is you try to be as specific as possible about the problem you're facing to give you the best solution for your situation.
Your emails will never be handed off the employee or outsourced worker. I deal with them personally...and it's the only way you can have one-on-one contact with me directly.
The cost of unlimited email along with weekly *phone, messenger or WhatsApp talk sessions coaching is currently $97 $97 per month.
Email coaching is wonderful. Having an expert to answer your questions anytime is wonderful (I wish this was available when I was starting out).
You can send an email at midnight if you want...and I'll answer it the next day. It will be ready and waiting for you when you check your email.
*All phone calls are receive only outside US. Messenger and WhatsApp call sessions are Global.
The second option... You do nothing and continue to struggle.
Look... There are No Long-Term Contracts or Commitments Required
Obviously this program isn’t for everyone. You’ll notice I didn’t hide the price and make you call me on the phone to find out how much it costs. My experience has been that anyone who makes you do that is ashamed of their prices and intent on doing a very hard sale process where they keep bugging you to sign-up with them.
The costs shown above are very low cost for coaching when compared to other options available to you such as seminars. Most business seminars now cost $1,000 to $5,000 or more.
Now, here's the way this is going to work:
It's not going to be $8,000
Or $6,000 like similar training online
Or $4,000 . . .
Instead . . . you can get started for just:
Unlimited email support monthly + weekly phone, messenger or WhatsApp sessions
Unlimited email support monthly + weekly phone, messenger or WhatsApp sessions
with no obligation . . . you can literally stop anytime you want:
Here's how it works:
Purchase one of my coaching levels and you will receive two (2) details documents to download and complete.
One is a questionnaire so I can establish where you are and where you what you want to obtain in your online business. (there are no wrong concepts or goals so list it all)
The other is a NDA (non-dislosure agreement), it’s a mutual agreement where we both agree not to share anything we talk about either on the phone, messeenger, WhatsApp, Skype or in the emails we send to each other.
I do it because I have had clients in the past who have had their ideas stolen from them by fake coaches... yeah it happens! This way we are both protected.
Both are in word.doc for easy editing with mmicrosoft word or open office (free to download). You then simply send them back to me and we're off and running.
You will get to work with me personally.
You will receive new coaching/mentoring each week for as long as you remain enrolled (over 50 hours of training each year, delivered weekly)
AND - you get to talk with me personally for 50+ hours over the course of the next year.
The full value of all of this, if I were to sell it all separately, is well over $20,000.
Now - I have to say this: if you don't do the work, you won't make the money. I am going to help you achieve your goals. And of course, as you are selling products and enrolling people in your own coaching program, you will be making money along the way.
Please Note: This program is NOT for people who are dishonest or unethical in their business dealings. One of my goals in business is to operate with Integrity in everything. I’m not perfect, just as I’m sure you’re not. But I only seek to do business with those who have this same type of commitment to really giving value to their customers/clients in everything they do.
I'm looking for people who want to build a long-term business based on integrity. if that doesn't apply to you, then please don't join this program and waste our time. If you are willing to put into practice the marketing principles you'll learn, you are the type of client I'm looking for.
Here is what some of my clients and subscribers have told me it would feel like to work personally with me:
Great content and excellent value. When it comes to making money online, you certainly know how to do it AND know how to ‘Teach it’ With so much rubbish out there in the online space, its refreshing to see people like you who have huge amounts of integrity making huge strides and allowing people like me to take advantage. Cheers and best of luck. - John Faul
Hi David, you know we've loved everything you do for some time now, and our coming back goes to show you we DO make money with it ALL. We appreciate everything you do, and know what you do is always top-notch! Thanks and keep it coming. All Our Best! - Kathe Lucas
Would it feel good to have someone to get on the phone with when you are stuck on something instead of trying to figure it out on your own?
How would it feel to have someone take a look at an email, a sales page, a teleseminar script and say, change this, change that, so you get it right the first time, so you can makes sales fast instead of having to triple split test everything?
How much time would you be able to save by getting it right the first time instead of guessing and trial and error?
How much faster could you achieve your goals by working with someone who's been there done that for 15 years running - and easily on track - ALREADY - to doing it a 16th year? (instead of guessing??)
So what about you?
Are you ready?
Are you ready to change your life now - forever (at least on this earth!!)
Now here's the thing: with an offer like this, I can't work with just anyone.
In fact, I don't want to work with everyone.
So I reserve the right to take this offer down at any time.
And once I get as many clients as I can handle, I will close this offer or raise the price.
If you miss out, you miss out.
Frankly, I believe this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
This is your year.
This is the year to free yourself from the ups and downs of the financial system.
This is the year to change your life and free your family.
Let's get started today:
Unlimited email support monthly + weekly phone, messenger or WhatsApp sessions
Unlimited email support monthly + weekly phone, messenger or WhatsApp sessions
Your choice.
Perhaps you are wondering, well how are we going to work together?
So I'll share that here.
But before I do, let me say this: Don't buy this because of a bunch of bullet points of all the things you are going to learn. Because I don't want you enrolling with me because you want to learn some thing on a list of bullet points.
That's probably how you've been buying training for years now, and you keep learning bullet points, but you aren't making any more money.
I don't want you buying bullet points.
Working with me. Personally
Frankly, I don't know exactly what I am going to teach YOU.
Because this is personal.
And the process will vary based on what you know how to do already, how easy it is for you to do each step, and so on.
So I am going to be coaching you personally on each step of the way to help you achieve your goals.
Not on a bunch of bullet points.
Now, how am I going to work with you?
1) We are going to meet for over 50 hours in the next year to be build an online information business. Not only will I be working with you personally during that time. ($50,000 value)
2) You will get to work with me personally for one full year. (priceless)
3) You will receive new training each week (over 50 hours of training in the first year, delivered weekly)
4) AND - you get to talk with me personally for up to 50 hours over the course of the next year.
6) The full value of all of this, if I were to sell it all separately, is well over $50,000.
I recommend you plan for at least several months of coaching when you sign-up, because success is rarely instant online. It takes some time and committment. Only in this coaching program, you're the one in control of the committment....not me!
I've seen those coaching programs that require you to pay $10,000 or more upfront. Who are they kidding? It's not for your benefit. It's for theirs because most of their clients wouldn't keep paying them once they realized the expert wasn't the one doing the coaching.
In this program, you're in control. If I don't provide you the advice you need to dramatically increase profits, you can cancel at anytime.
Unlimited email support monthly + weekly phone, messenger or WhatsApp sessions
Unlimited email support monthly + weekly phone, messenger or WhatsApp sessions
Since finding David Railey, his Great IM teachings and Fantastic products I can honestly say my business has been taken to the next level. By using Davids squeeze pages my lists are growing faster than I ever imagined possible! I now feel - no - I now know - I have a real Online Business – thanks to David I have access to Fantastic products. Every week he seems to release a new product – which is great for me I will never be short of products to promote. David I would like to thank you for this Golden opportunity - I totally believe if I can’t make money online now there is something seriously wrong with me! - David Knight
I started more than 3 years ago buying my first product from David. I was a newbie - and through the years I have learned a lot of relevant things from the stream of products that David offers. Beginners can always find a solution to the many challenges encountered in the internet marketing world. With the products from David I learned it the easy way. - Eric Adrian Carreau
Hi David, your products have always impress me, especially how you took a resell rights product, completely redesign and repackage to make it look unique and professional. Most of your “makeover” products have helped me build a huge mailing list, generate sales and even set up membership sites to conduct e-courses. I can say part of my business is mostly selling your resell rights products or to promote them as an affiliate. Please continue to keep up your good work and quality of your products. Take care! - Eric Tan
This is not the first time - nor will it be the last time that David has amazed us with his quality and content of product. Not only are his products detailed and easy to follow, but he goes over the top in delivering how-to guides with step-by-step instructions and includes killer graphics that make my products stand out from the crowd. David's products will help solve your problem and improve yourself as a marketer. - Adam Davies
I have been trying to make a income online for years and didn't make a dime until I started using your system. I went from not knowing nothing to understanding all the little things I was missing thank you so much for your support! - Lanaya Jenkins
Hey David, It’s nice to find an experienced marketer that can be trusted. No hype, no BS, just plain good old fashioned help and support. You would have to be one of the hardest working IM entrepreneurs that I have had the privilege to meet, thus far. What I like and trust with you is, “what you see is what you get”. - Donald Pitts
Unlimited email support monthly + weekly phone, messenger or WhatsApp sessions
Unlimited email support monthly + weekly phone, messenger or WhatsApp sessions
David Railey is an established internet marketer with over 17 years of online experience. He provides innovative high level turn-key solutions and website installation services for marketers. The Ultra Sales Machine is the result of years of knowledge and experience all condensed into one powerful marketing system that any beginner and expert can profit from. David will be handling all the backend sales and future product launches on your behalf to ensure you continue to profit!