Click Here to Get Your Internet Business Empire
An online business is all a numbers game. The more products you sell online, and the more people to present those products to, the more money you'll make. It's as simple as that.
If you've been online for a while now, you'll know from first hand experience what it takes to make a great selling product... It's not enough to just put together the content, you need to do an excellent job with your sales video and sales letter so it sells continuously!
More over, you need plenty of emails to follow-up with your subscribers, several upsells in place to maximize your profit and you need to ensure that you're building your buyers list in the process.
Creating your own digital product and selling it to the right audience is a great business model and hands down works... however there's always room for more profit! While many beginners would stop with one or two products... this is where we turn it up a notch and start scaling up.
We are problem solvers by nature and love filling in the 'profit gaps'. So when we look at a system, we like to poke it and ponder questions like... can we take an already profitable system and make it even more profitable for YOU?... Is there any room for improvement?... Are there any small tweaks that we could be over-looking that can be implemented?... And the simple answer is YES!
Selling multiple products on a range of different topics at different price points is an ideal solution. So how would you like to get up to 28 products so can offer up to 28 times more products to your customers?
The best part is that EVERYTHING is seamlessy integrated together under one roof. This setup is truly god-like and will place you years ahead of your time.
We took our best selling products, tweaked them, funnelled them up, and packaged everything into one powerful setup service that will place you years ahead of the competition. We're now offering you the opportunity to get not just 50 products... but 50 sales funnels setup for you within the next 7 days to grow your business exponentially.
Let us share with you 3 real-world case studies where we were able to pull in as much as $1,923.87 in sales within a matter of days just by selling quick and useful video tutorials!
Now you can take the long route and create your products from scratch, sell unique products of your own and hope for the best ...or you could invest in private label products or resell rights products, re-brand them as your own and launch them to the marketplace which still takes time...
...or you could just skip all the hurdles and let us do EVERYTHING for you!
What we've built is nothing short of amazing. Countless hours have been invested into this system... on top of the existing work that was previously done. Now it's all yours for the taking to profit from again and again and again! If you want to skip the learning curve, cut through years of product development, save 1000s of hours of manual labour and shortcut your way to a multi-product empire, then pay close attention to every word on this page because this is for YOU.
"The secret I'm sharing today will help you live your dreams...instead of building someone else's"
I'm going to help you explode your product and affiliate sales! No more waiting for months or even years to start making money... You Can Have Your Own Turnkey Leads Business!
Success in any online business is contingent on the ability to promote and that means "LEADS". Here is where this opportunity comes in... Leads are in high demand and the possessor of leads has the upper hand. Are you ready to discover how you can grab a TURNKEY In Demand product, right away and start profitting?
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
"Discover The 7 Timeless & Universal Laws of Highly Successful Marketers & Join the Ranks of the Top 6-Figure a Year Earners..."
Inspired by Stephen Covey's book, 'The The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People', I've created a simple, step-by-step mindmap guide to show you the effective habits of the men and women who make masses of money online.
Forget all those shiny new (and expensive) products... In this course, you're going to learn how to profit online thanks to The 7 Habits, which, when applied, will see your business and productivity explode.
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
"Setup Your First Resale Right Product Sales Funnel On JVZoo, Host Your Files On Amazon S3 and Protect Your URLs... In Just 2 Hours!"
Revealed! The step-by-step process to getting your digital products online and selling on JVZoo's sales funnel system and protecting your product links from digital thieves...
Have you ever wanted to set up your sales funnel so that you sell the front-end offer with several upsells or one-time offers? Well, if you're like most people, setting this sales follow-up is a very complicated and tedious process when you actually put it into action.
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
"Create Your First 5-Figure Sales Funnel & Launch Any Product With Guaranteed Success In The Next 5 1/2 Hours!"
In the next 13 videos you'll discover the art of launching your first marketing product online, and scale your profits using the 5-figure funnel strategy to achieve daily income results
There's no better feeling than the one you get when you finally realize you have cracked the I.M. code! If you can follow the steps outlined in this course then you can do the exact same results!
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
"9-Step System Allows You To Rebrand Over 56,058 Words Instantly With Your Affiliate ID To Earn $177 In ClickBank Commissions Simply Giving Away Stuff!..."
while maximizing your email clicks, engaging with your readers, and building credibility in the process! Read on to find exact how this works!....
Whether you want to pre-sell your readers, fill up your membership site, decorate your blog, establish yourself as the expert or just want to maintain a high response with your list, the Report Fortunes pack is just what you need!
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
"Get Your Hands On 70 Practical 'Do This' & 'Do That' Training Videos Teaching You How To Use The Latest Marketing Tools Experts Use"
One of the easiest ways to learn something is to watch how someone else does it and then apply it yourself. Yes you can find out things for yourself through trial and error, but if you want to save time and frustration then this is for you.
Right now you can get your hands on a total of 70 with videos that you can watch within minutes from now that'll give you all the training needed to master the latest marketing tools.
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
"Open The Floodgates & Get Tens Of 1000s Of FREE Visitors to Your Website in 32 Practical Step-By-Step Traffic-Getting Methods"
Even the best sales copy and all the time and effort you put into getting your product online will go to waste UNLESS you can get fresh visitors to your site on a regular basis.
Right now you can get your hands on over 32 traffic generating methods that will ensure your sites are never left without visitors.
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
Finally! A Simple System That Shows You How To Build A Profitable High Converting List From Solo Ads In The Shortest Time Possible... Without Hours of Confusion 100% Guaranteed!
Listen carefully... List building is only profitable if you focus on building a QUALITY list. However, the big myth that people want you to believe is that you need a HUGE list, or that you should build the list fast.
How would you like to discover how to build a list from solo ads but also how to get that list to convert? Converting a list takes time but it's where the magic happens. So, if you set yourself up for success and create a proper plan of attack - you'll be closer to success.
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
I'm going to hand you the secrets to creating membership cash machines where nearly EVERYTHING is done for you.
I'm talking about a business model that pulls back the curtain and lets you in on powerful free tools, the planning, strategies, and all the critical steps required to setup multiple membership sites ...all for a TINY fraction of the time and money you would have to spend if you bought expensive membership software and learned from trial and error.
Stick with me because this is going to be one of the most exciting announcements and opportunities you'll ever read...
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
Video sales letters often convert several times better than standard sales letters, even if you use the same basic sales copy and techniques!
Why? Because it's a lot more personal when people can hear your voice and maybe even see your face. And there are other reasons. Even if you don't want to appear on camera, just hearing a voice actor can make a huge difference.
It's no wonder that these sales letters are so popular, because they can convert many, many times better than traditional sales letters. This type of strategy will allow you to take different products and services, and use their different technologies to increase your sales conversions across the board!
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
"EXPOSED: The Key Secrets To Making Money That Millionaires Only Whisper To Their Exclusive Partners In Darkened Rooms!"
Are you ready to be my next success story with your very own list of 1,000 hot subscribers and a brand new monthly income of $1,000?
And, once you've built that list of 1,000 names, I'm guessing you won't stop there. Because, by then, you'll have the secrets I'm going to give you, so you can go on increasing the size of your list month on month and growing your income month after month too. In fact, I know guys with lists of 250,000 names. Imagine the happy pay days they enjoy! You can do the exact same thing!
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
"Discover The Secret To Pre-Selling Your Visitors, Positioning Your Front-End Products & Build A Winning Sales System Within The Next 50 Minutes Guaranteed!"
Finally Revealed The Secret To Building Rapid Lead Magnets That Pull In Hot Subscribers Within 10 Minutes Or Less...!
Rapid Lead Magnet is your all-in-one course that will guide you through the steps to creating high converting squeeze pages and landing pages together with a free gift that your subscribers will love you for!
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
"Discover How To Use Simple Images & PDF Files To Generate Buyer-Hungry FREE Traffic & Google-Friendly Backlinks For Instant Results... guaranteed!"
In The Next 2 Hours We're Going To Reveal The Latest Traffic Techniques Guaranteed To Attract Eyeballs And Bring Fresh Visitors Back To Your Site ...Just By Sharing JPG & PDF Files!
Traffic Doctor is designed to show you how you can get eyeballs and visitors back to your site by using tried and tested techniques that we're using RIGHT NOW! - not rehashed theory that fills your head with useless information! If you want to apply the latest traffic generation techniques to your business then grab your copy of Traffic Doctor now!
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
Discover the Basics of HTML, CSS & PHP Code & Build Profitable Websites Exactly How You Want Even If You're A Techno-Phobe
If you want to set up any type of webpage or landing page, you absolutely must know HTML. The reality is that even if you are using visual HTML editors, you will still run into basic coding issues that often prevent you from moving forward.
If you've always wanted to build webpages, but were intimidated by the code, this course will help you learn the basics so that you can survive and even thrive in the online world.
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
"Dig Out The 9 Key Elements Of Your Niche, Understand The Mindset Of Your Customers & Guarantee Product Sales With A Little Smart Market Research"
"Know What Sells" was created to help you better understand how to examine your market further and to really know what your buyers want (which is the most important aspect). It's really too easy to create a product around what "we think is correct" vs. putting ourselves in our potential customer's shoes.
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
"26 Step-By-Step Videos Reveal 'Top Secret Underground' Methods To Generate Fast Cash Online Without A Website Or Domain ...Within 24 Hours Or Less!"
...Even if you've got absolutely NO previous sales experience, ZERO marketing skills and are working a full time job!
Each lesson is broken down into bite sized "do this and do that" videos. So you can simply follow along, go where I say to go and click where I say to click, take action and watch the profits start to flow.
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
Whether you're a blogger, niche marketer, super affiliate, list owner, product creator, copywriter, paid advertiser, eBay seller, or even just a newbie starting out, you'll know the value of good sales copy. Words have power, meaning and can trigger emotional responses.
This is where this time-saving, headache busting, special offer steps in. Right now you can get your hands on over 100 professionally written sales letters targeting 100 of the most profitable niches online.
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
You've just stumbled upon one of the most profitable collection of master reseller products offered on the Internet.
This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to start selling in-demand information products that are completely yours to profit from without spending a whole lot of time, money or effort.
Imagine having a virtual Internet Marketing Empire (Where demand is practically OVERFLOWING) handed to you on a silver platter with ALL the trimmings ... and A WHOLE LOT MORE...for less than half of what most people spend on groceries!
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
You've just stumbled upon what could potentially be the most profitable collection of unrestricted private label products ever offer on the Internet.
This was originally assembled as the "end all" of online business training via an intensive 10 week coaching class that is well over 1200 pages of pure content which we subsequently turned into 14 kick butt, stand-alone products between 50 and 120 pages each with sales material, and everything you need to start raking in the cash today!
You will have everything you need within this new PLR package to begin generating sales online and will be a perfect addition to your current portfolio of products. With ammunition like this... it's nearly impossible not to "trip into profits!"
100% Licensing Rights Worth $297
This is one HUGE website package all done just for you!
Did you get it? Did it sink in?
Imagine for a second your subscribers saying things like...
"Wow thanks for telling me exactly what to do!"... "Thanks for showing me step-by-step!"... "I'm definitely going to buy more of your products!"... "I'm definitely going to recommend your video training as an affiliate!"...
When you can deliver REAL value and REAL results to your subscribers and customers... this will have a massive knock-on effect!
With these powerful resell products you will accelerate your success online. Period. They will help you establish yourself in the marketplace. They will help you gain trust with your new found customers. They will even help you generate more sales with your affiliate program.
With the you products you purchase today, all the hard work is done. Let these products do all the selling for you without you having to even create it yourself!
Act now and you'll also receive your very own optin page so you can entice a whole new set of LEADS to market your products to!
No need to write a new salesletter, no need to design graphics, no need to write promotional emails (We Include Those Too), Just slap on your payment button, upload and sell!
Please note however that this super bonus WILL NOT be around forever and can be taken down at any time. If you want to get the best deal, have your very own business and maximize your profit then be sure to secure this bonus now! This bonus alone will multiply your income instantly.
A value of $197! Yours FREE!
Act now and you'll also receive your very own special offer page similar to what you're seeing now so you can present your own subscribers with one heck of a deal!
No need to write a new salesletter, no need to design graphics, no need to write promotional emails (We Include Those Too), Just slap on your payment button, upload and sell!
Please note however that this super bonus WILL NOT be around forever and can be taken down at any time. If you want to get the best deal, have your very own business and maximize your profit then be sure to secure this bonus now! This bonus alone will multiply your income instantly.
A value of $197! Yours FREE!
If you feel like you're not getting the most from your subscriber list and using it to it's fullest potential, either because of technical hurdles or you're short on time, then these unrestricted PLR videos are for you.
Remember EVERYTHING gets sent to you immediately.
You're getting access to the content we needed years ago but had to learn ourselves the hard way. Order now in complete confidence and we'll deliver this course to you immediately.
REASON 1 - Your time is precious. You've only got about 8-10 working hours in the day and it's unlikely that you can maintain a 'create a new product every week' pace especially if you've got other committments like a family to look after.
REASON 2 - You'll get tired of creating your own products. Yes it's good idea to create your own, but it requires hard work and many misfired attempts before you find the winning formula.
REASON 3 - You'll spend more than you earn. When you outsource work there's no guarantee that you'll ever make your money back. You need to invest in something that minimizes your risk.
REASON 4 - You need multiple products to increase your cash flow. Making your first is exciting but selling multiple products and receiving up to $480 in commission payments (even just 1 a week) again and again can change your lifestyle. As a proud owner of the Internet Business Empire you get the best of both worlds to maximize your income.
REASON 5 - You need to leverage existing working systems to kick-start any other business. Good cash flow gives you the opportunity to experiment and try new things and outsource other tasks with financial confidence that would otherwise be impossible to start.
REASON 6 - You need to use shortcuts. Putting together a real sales funnel that allow customers to spent $480 with you requires experience... something that you simply can't buy. However you can get close when you partner up with experts.
Here's a quick recap of everything you're getting when you order today...
Licensing rights to all 19 hot selling products ($8316+ value)
Professionally created opt-in page - just promote and profit ($97+ value)
FULL Resellers Site - You will have your own HIGH TICKET OFFER ($197+ value)
These products are being used to make sales RIGHT NOW as you're reading this. If you're on our mailing list you'll see that we promote our own products! DON'T go through the labourious process of creating your own products from scratch, launching them and hoping for the best. Instead you can just 'bolt on' our proven products to your existing system, and let the system take care of the rest! Save time, save money and start making high volume sales for a successful . ACT NOW to not miss out and secure this opportunity before this promotion expires!
I first got interested in David's install service after I saw the depth of the system he installs and the glowing reviews. I have found David to be a man of his word who provides an excellent service at an extremely reasonable price. David also provides a lot of awesome bonus material and when there is an occasional issue he addresses it promptly and professionally. Ultra Sales Machine is just that a machine with every component installed and customized just for you. You owe it to yourself to check this out! - Mark Watkins
Hi J.T. Smith here with some positive words about Ultra Sales Machine. I've been interested in building my internet business empire for some time now. I've purchased done for you products before but after the purchase I didn't know what to do... well my problem was solved after I discovered Ultra Sales Machine. They did it all.
When I first saw the offer I didn't believe it because in the past I've paid so much more than $97. When I saw the finished product I was blown away. Ultra Sales Machine exceeded my expectations. It only took a few days. The admin panel was easy to navigate and all of the instructions were clear and easy to follow. I couldn't have done this myself in a month. It took 3 days.
The training is great, it's well worth the price. They've done 3 sites for my so far. Check out my blog at Success Motivation and my internet marketing site at Success I'm going to use Ultra Sales Machine to build my own internet empire. Click the buy button, you won't be dissappointed.- J. Thomas Smith
As you may have guessed I love to share my faith as well as my entrepreneurial spirit. I started my online journey about 8 years ago. I've had some hit and missed, but mostly misses until I ran into David and his products. I became an affiliate of his and made several commissions.
Needless to say I trust David because his knows what he's doing and that's why I decided to let him and his team setup my products. Everything was installed on time as promised in under 3 days. Although I've been online for the past 8 years I'm not at all that tech savvy. I'm pretty sure it would have taken me more than 3 days if I was to do all the work myself. David's products have saved me both time and money and I don't hesitate to recommend them to anyone just starting out! - Terry Phong
I got the 7 eBooks a little while back and with some solo ads was able to make some money online with that and was really impressed with the service and the quality of the materials and the fact that they were actually working so I went back and bought some more... looking forward to making some good money. Thank you David and I highly recommend it! - David Smallman
Hi David and Team! Just my testimonial to thank you for my purchase SuperSalesMachine Empire V9. This package has the ingredients that I am looking for to email to my subscribers. Truly worth a weight of gold along with many of your products that you continue to deliver. Having said that, I have less worries in creating my own products due to my time constraints and would rather purchase your quality products. Everyday I look forward to receiving and clicking on your emails David with excitement of curiosity and anticipation for what type of content food you are bringing to the table. - Richard Taputoro
I am a newbie and have been looking everywhere for help on understanding this crazy internet world. I have PLR up to my eyeballs and lost. That was until I found this library. I have looked all over web for help for newbies. Nothing I found yet is as close to the Ultra Sales Machine. If you can't find it here, Its not worth doing! - Adam D.
I've been studying internet marketing for many years now with almost zero success. I've spent so much time and effort focusing on learning how to build gorgeous looking websites that Ive forgetting about learning how to convert the traffic I was getting or how to effectively use social media to create results driven marketing. You never know enough in the internet game. It doesn't matter how many courses you do the industry changes every 6 months with new technologies being created all the time. A program like this fixed all of the above problems where not only does it teach me about the skills I lack it also upskills me on the skills I need to know more about. My clients expect me to be the authority in fields such as Wordpress, cpanel, social media, seo, affiliate marketing, adwords, list building etc With a program like the Ultra Sales Machine it puts me in an elite category. Not many web designers out there have such a broad knowledge base and can add this much value to their clients. My passion is for creating stunning and visual appealing websites that communicates the clients personality and showcases their business all on one website. With this much focus building gorgeous websites my knowledge on website conversion has fallen behind and there's no point in having a website that doesnt convert. The Ultra Sales Machine is exactly what I need and exactly what Im looking for to fill in the gaps and complete my set of internet marketing skills. - Fakhri Sakir
Hey Guys, I accidentally deleted my install of Ultra Sales Machine Product in my server panel while messing around in there one day and I couldn't restore it, I thought "GREAT", at that point it was lost forever, So I emailed SSM support to see how much it will cost me to have them re-install it. They emailed me back and told me it was a free service and that if I send them the setup details, they will be glad to do it for me. WOW! What a breath of fresh air! Knowing there still are company's out still out there standing behind their product and service. Their service team was FANTASTIC fast and courteous. Although I was looking to pay something for the re-install since it was my fault for deleting it from my server they did not bill me at all. Five Star Service. I will buy from SSM again. - Don Pilkinton
I've been with David for nearly 6 years now. The first impression leaves a lasting impression. David's graphics on sales pages etc... have always had the appearance of being bright and cheerful. They have always made me feel that I can trust his offers even if I have been unable to purchase a product at the time. This isn't the first product I have purchased. I purchased several from David in the past and I haven't had any issues with them. Plus they have the same happy and 'feel good' graphics that he himself uses. His set-up service has always been prompt with any questions being answered as quickly as possible which shows that he and his colleagues aren't only dedicated to sales but also to after sales service. I have dealt with a lot of marketers and David would be at the top of the list by showing appreciation to me by keeping in touch with me by sending me the occasional free gift and keeping me and I would imagine everyone he deals with 'in the loop' with up to date products. Unfortunately, a large number of marketers only make contact when they wish to make a sale. I would be very surprised if both newbies and experienced marketers alike couldn't learn from or gain satisfaction from his products which, I might add, are up to date :) I am confident that his latest membership offering will be to my advantage. Keep up the good work David :) an A+ from me. - Donald Pitts
I am into internet marketing for a few years now and was on the lookout for quality products that I could sell and keep all the profits for myself. Then I came across David's offer which literally blew me away. I couldn't believe that I could get so many top notch products to sell including set up services. When I realized the value for money that I would be getting, I bought it before the offer was taken down. To my delight, it was setup within just 2 days. After going through the product setup, I must admit that it surpassed my expectations by a wide margin. There are a lot of struggling newbies out there and I am sure that these products will serve two purposes, the first being to make money for myself and the second to provide useful and concise information for such newbies. I shall gladly recommend this product and the upgrade to anyone who still in two minds about it. Believe, I have seen may similar products on the net but none will come anywhere near David's products. - Eric Alexander
As a newbie I quickly learned these guys are the absolute best in the business with high quality training and products. When I see David's name or Ultra Sales Machine I don't put it on my list I immediately hit the buy button knowing I'm getting a high quality product I can promote or training I can grow with. I can honestly say I've never been disappointed or felt like I bought a shiny object. I only wonder how do these guys do it with hit after hit.
Starting out you don't want junk training and with David you never get it. Also when you are beginning and haven't developed your own products yet, you want something of value to sell that will enhance your reputation. I guarantee you'll not only get value every time but the pipeline is incredible and it seems like something new is coming every week. You'll get reasonably priced time-saving tools, plenty of free training, and creative examples of how to put your unique look on PLR products.
Finding this site has been a lifesaver. You'll never get a product that just sits on your hard drive but you can immediately put it to work with just a little customization. The big bonanza is if you're technically challenged they'll do the work for you and get it up and running. Does it get any better than that? If you get their products and follow their plan you'll make money online or you have no one to blame but yourself. - Dennis Wright
I was very impressed with the HIGH QUALITY of the graphics and I am sure that anyone considering to buy will be pleased they did as even just having the graphics gives me inspiration to come up with many designs of my own and could not recommend them enough to anyone and I will be back for more myself, so thanks guys! - Albert F A Matthews
Finally, someone who walks you through from the beginning. This is exactly what I have been looking for. This is the first product I have purchased from you and, I am impressed. You are also going to include installation, WOW! I plan on using this for lead generation. Making money with this product means FREE quality leads! The small investment made this purchase worth every cent. I plan on using this as a part of my coaching course to help people get their online business started. There are so many fake guru's out there. It's hard foe newbies to get their business up and going. Your products will help them and, be a good resource for my followers. I can't wait to stat using this. Unbelievable, this is the word I would use to describe David's products. Most of the stuff out there is incomplete, or just plain old trash. However, there are some good ones, and David's just happens to be one of them. I am glad that I stumbled across this. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. I am in this to help others, this will help me so that I can concentrate on helping those people who don't know where to start. I would tell them to start here. David has made it simple to download and install, however I would recommend having them install it. It not only saves time but, it gets done properly. I look forward to purchasing other product from you in the future. To a long and successful relationship. - R. Scott
I wanted to give a quick testimonial for David and the Ultra Sales Machine team. I have been a customer since 2016 and I love the products and services provided. If your looking for a great content source then look no further. David and team have always provide excellent customer service and I am very satisfied. The products and the installation service are always top notch! The packages I've purchased have been premium, well designed products providing excellent value. I use many of the products not just to gain sales but I have incorporated them into my lead generation plan and supplying my clients with something they also can use for creating their lists. The quality of the products is very nice, excellent copywriting, high quality videos provided in the products creation stimulates the mind making them easy to promote and to sale. Trustworthy traits of character in Internet Marketing arena hard many times hard to find but every once in awhile you find a one and once you do build that relationship. Success in Internet Marketing comes much quicker when you find those partner relationships that you can trust. I am very thankful I came across SSM and David's products, I highly recommend them to others that are thinking about beginning in IM/Affiliate Marketing as this will give you a jump stress to success and it will provide additional education that will definaltely enhance your success. Keep up the outstanding work you do it is appreciated and valued and look forward to future products that will continue to scale my online businesses. - Bobby Wiggins
David Railey is an established internet marketer with over 15 years of online experience. He provides innovative high level turn-key solutions and website installation services for marketers. The Ultra Sales Machine is the result of years of knowledge and experience all condensed into one powerful marketing system that any beginner and expert can learn and profit from.
Click Here to Secure Your Internet Business Empire