*100% Done for You Internet Business Empire with 8 Reseller Products! Act Now to Secure Best Price!*

Get Your Internet Business Empire Built for You & Become the Next BIG Player in the Marketplace ...While Outsourcing ALL the Heavy Lifting to us!

Not a techie person?... Don't worry! We'll handle ALL the Complicated Web Design,
Coding, Fancy Graphics, Copywriting, Content Creation, Sales Setup and File Delivery!
Just Swipe our Done-for-You Emails, Promote and Make Sales.

Click Here to Secure Your Internet Business Empire

An online business is all a numbers game. The more products you sell online, and the more people to present those products to, the more money you'll make. It's as simple as that.

Yes you can make some good money as an affiliate, but as you now know the REAL money is in selling YOUR OWN products and keeping 100% of the profit. The only problem is that product creation is down-right HARD and EXPENSIVE and if you don't have the techie or marketing skills, it's almost impossible.

"I Mean How Hard Can It Be?"

The formula to making online is actually pretty simple. Simple but by no means easy. Choose a niche, find out what people want, build a list prospects, create a product solution, and sell it to your list. Easy right? Yes it sounds good on paper but in the real world it ends up looking more like this...

As a smart internet marketer you have some idea of what it takes to make a great selling product. It's not enough to just put together the content, you need to do an excellent job with your sales video and sales letter so it sells continuously! More over, you need plenty of emails to follow-up with your subscribers, several upsells in place to maximize your profit and you need to ensure that you're building your buyers list in the process.

It's clearly not about the information you already know, but putting it into practice and seeing it through to the end. There has to be an easier way that allows you to skip the hard part and jump straight into the action...

Introducing the...

Ultra Sales Machine Internet Business Empire V1

8 High-Performance Done-for-You Sales Funnels 100% Setup for You... for Point 'n' Click Profits!

Our Turn-Key Products Includes Mobile Optimized Sites,
Branding on Every Sales Page for Insane Profit. ALL Done For You!

The Ultra Sales Machine Internet Business Empire is our premium setup service for those that demand ONLY the best in turn-key offers.

We put together hot-selling offers, tweaked them, funnelled them up, and packaged everything into one powerful setup service that will place you YEARS ahead of everyone else. We're now offering you the opportunity to get NOT just products... but the licensing rights to sell them over and over again for life!

You can take the LONG route and create your products from scratch, sell unique products of your own and hope for the best ...or you could invest in private label products or resell rights products, re-brand them as your own and launch them to the marketplace which still takes time...

...or you could just skip all the hurdles and let us do EVERYTHING for you!

What we've built is nothing short of amazing. Countless hours have been invested into this system... on top of the existing work that was previously done. Now it's all yours for the taking to profit from again and again and again!

If you want to skip the learning curve, cut through years of product development, save 100s of hours of manual labour and shortcut your way to a multi-product empire, then pay close attention to every word on this page because this is for YOU.

Check out the entire range of products we'll install for you...

Installed for You Internet Business #1
Traffic Doctor

With this done-for-you product you'll be teaching your customers how to generate free traffic with images and document files

Click here to view a live demo of this site >>


Discover How to Use Simple Images & PDF Files to Generate Buyer-Hungry FREE Traffic & Google-Friendly Backlinks... Guaranteed!

We're Going to Reveal the Latest Traffic Techniques Guaranteed to Attract Eyeballs
and Bring Fresh Visitors Back to Your Site ...Just by Sharing JPG and PDF Files!

Watch a preview video below to help you get started...

Studies show that images, illustrations, pictures, and other visual presentations are more easily recognized, understood, and remembered compared to text. This is because our brain processes images simultaneously while it processes language in a linear or sequential manner.

In other words, text takes longer to process. This is why infographics and presenations are getting more and more popular, especially for online marketers.

Did you know that illustrations are processed 60,000 times faster than text? Imagine this-what is easier to do, show a circle or describe it in words? Everyone knows how a circle looks like but when asked to describe it, a lot of people will have difficulty.

Not only is it more easily recognized, understood and remembered - graphical illustrations also stimulate and provoke emotional reactions from its viewers. It also increases the human brain's creative thinking and imagination.

How does this concept coincide with illustrations being powerful? It's no secret that our feelings and emotions play a big part in our decision making process. Your logical sense may tell you otherwise but most of the time, it's your feelings or emotions that leads your decision making course. Successful marketers know this.

Over the years, advertisers and marketers have been following the concept that graphic illustrations sell goods. It has been proven over the years that presenters who use visual presentations are more successful in getting their audience to take action than those that don't.

NOTE: We recommend that you take the time to preview your offer at the official site. What you see is exactly what your customers will see. If you feel in the slightest bit inclined to purchase from your own site, stop yourself and ask if you would like to become the seller!

You Get 100% Licensing Rights Plus Installation Service with Full System Setup and File Hosting Worth $197

Total value of $197!

Installed for You Internet Business #2
Solo Ad Wizard

Build Your List in the Fastest Time Possible with Solo Ads!

Click here to view a live demo of this site >>


"FINALLY! A Simple System That Shows You How To Build A Profitable High Converting List From Solo Ads In The Shortest Time Possible..."

Finally Revealed the Secret to Building Rapid Lead Magnets that Pull in Hot Subscribers!

Watch a preview video below to help you get started...

If you have a website and you are not capturing emails, you are missing out on sales.

If you have a sales funnel and building a list is not part of that funnel, you are leaving cash on the table.

You probably already know this, most do... So then why do so many newbies get it wrong?

Listen, email marketing is a lot like a long distance marathon.

At some point in your online venture you realize the need for a list, not just a big list, but a RESPONSIVE one as well... one that gives you high open rates, one that buys your recommendations, one that buys your products, and one that stays LOYAL to you for many years!

Where will you be one year from now?

Think about it. Where will you be a year from now?

Will you still be struggling to build a list that converts, while competitors who are savvy steal business from you?

Or will you be enjoying the exhilarating feeling of selling your products and services through simple, automatically emails, while you sleep?

NOTE: We recommend that you take the time to preview your offer at the official site. What you see is exactly what your customers will see. If you feel in the slightest bit inclined to purchase from your own site, stop yourself and ask if you would like to become the seller!

You Get 100% Licensing Rights Plus Installation Service with Full System Setup and File Hosting Worth $197

Total value of $197!

Installed for You Internet Business #3
Smart Video Sales Letters

With this done-for-you product you'll be teaching your customers how to plan and script a new generate of video sales letters to increase their conversio rates

Click here to view a live demo of this site >>


Discover the Art of Creating High Converting Video Scripts

and Animate Seductive Sales Videos that Get People
Glued to Your Page and Buy Your Products!

Watch a preview video below to help you get started...

Video sales letters often convert several times better than standard sales letters, even if you use the same basic sales copy and techniques!

Why?... Because it's a lot more personal when people can hear your voice and maybe even see your face. And there are other reasons. Even if you don't want to appear on camera, just hearing a voice actor can make a huge difference.

It's no wonder that these sales letters are so popular, because they can convert many, many times better than traditional sales letters. This type of strategy will allow you to take different products and services, and use their different technologies to increase your sales conversions across the board!

In order to stay ahead of the game and your competition, you need to make sure that you stay up-to-date on the newest technology and utilize it to make your video sales letter stand out! Thus we would like to introduce you to the hybrid, or smart, video sales letter. This type of strategy will allow you to take different products and services, and use their different technologies to increase your sales conversions across the board!

NOTE: We recommend that you take the time to preview your offer at the official site. What you see is exactly what your customers will see. If you feel in the slightest bit inclined to purchase from your own site, stop yourself and ask if you would like to become the seller!

You Get 100% Licensing Rights Plus Installation Service with Full System Setup and File Hosting Worth $197

Total value of $197!

Installed for You Internet Business #4
Turbo Cash Generator

With this done-for-you product you'll be teaching your customers
how to review products, generate traffic and make affiliate sales

Click here to view a live demo of this site >>


26 Step-By-Step Videos Reveal Top Secret Underground Methods to Generate Fast Cash Online without a Website or Domain ...Within 24 Hours Or Less!

...Even if you've got absolutely NO previous sales experience,
ZERO marketing skills and are working a full time job!

Watch a preview video below to help you get started...

With so many ways to make money online, it can be overwhelming... I mean should you build a blog? Should you create a product? Should you be building your list? The answer is YES, yes you should be doing all of these things but if you're really stuck for time and want to make short-term fast cash then this for you.

Turbo Cash is tested and proven... and YOU can start using the systems that are about to be revealed to you to make consistent cash online fast... even if you have absolutely no sales or marketing experience.

Now, before we go further, I want you to understand that this course IS NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. The system is actionable and works anytime, anyday... but only if you're willing to put in a little effort.... You must be willing to put in some leg work.

And most importantly... What this product is REALLY all about - is giving you an exact system to generate a reliable income day in and day out - in an easy-to-understand process so that you DON'T get overwhelmed, distracted, or fail!

Each lesson is broken down into bite sized "do this and do that" videos. So you can simply follow along, go where I say to go and click where I say to click, take action and watch the profits start to flow. With this potent system, you can easily pick up and start making quick cash faster, with the potential to scale up to a full time income in a very short time, getting paid instantly and automatically in the process.

NOTE: We recommend that you take the time to preview your offer at the official site. What you see is exactly what your customers will see. If you feel in the slightest bit inclined to purchase from your own site, stop yourself and ask if you would like to become the seller!

You Get 100% Licensing Rights Plus Installation Service with Full System Setup and File Hosting Worth $197

Total value of $197!

Installed for You Internet Business #5
Know What Sells
- Marketing Intelligence

With this done-for-you product you'll be teaching your customers how to hand-pick and analyize buyer-hungry niches to ensure their products and services sell before launching

Click here to view a live demo of this site >>


Uncover Key Profit Hot Spots in Your Niche, Understand the Mindset of Your Customers & Guarantee High Conversions and More Product Sales with a Little Smart Market Research!...

Watch a preview video below to help you get started...

It's a fact that having your own product will increase your profit immensely vs. selling someone else's product. But whether you have a product idea or have already created a product, the determining factor of whether it will sell or not depends on your market.

How do you know your idea will sell?... Or worse - will it flop? Have you done the proper research to know that there is indeed a buyer's market?... And if there is, where are they located?... Are they in other countries besides the one you're looking at?... Where are your buyers hanging out? What sites do they visit?... How can you reach them?...

Are there any competitors in your market?... Who are they?... What are they doing that you aren't?... What are YOU doing that they aren't?... These are all great questions that you need to ask yourself before you jump into any market. So, as you can see - doing proper market research is very important.

Doing your homework pays off! Yet digging deeper into the market to see what sort of things buyers are saying that they like and don't like is also important. This helps you create a better product or improve your existing one to be exactly what your potential buyers want. So whether you have a product idea you "think will sell" or you've already created one - you'll have the peace of mind that you're doing the right thing.

That's why "Know What Sells" was created - to help you better understand how to examine your market further and to really know what your buyers want (which is the most important aspect). It's really too easy to create a product around what "we think is correct" vs. putting ourselves in our potential customer's shoes.

NOTE: We recommend that you take the time to preview your offer at the official site. What you see is exactly what your customers will see. If you feel in the slightest bit inclined to purchase from your own site, stop yourself and ask if you would like to become the seller!

You Get 100% Licensing Rights Plus Installation Service with Full System Setup and File Hosting Worth $197

Total value of $197!

Installed for You Internet Business #6
HTML 4 Newbies

With this done-for-you product you'll be teaching your customers the basics of HTML, CSS and PHP for effective web design and code editing

Click here to view a live demo of this site >>


Discover the Basics of HTML CSS & PHP Code to Build Profitable SEO Websites, Install Scripts, Add Graphics, Videos, Downloadable Product Links and More... Even if You're a 'Techno-Phobe'...

Watch a preview video below to help you get started...

If you want to set up any type of webpage or landing page, you absolutely must know HTML. The reality is that even if you are using visual HTML editors, you will still run into basic coding issues that often prevent you from moving forward. Does that sound familiar to you?

You've been running away from trying to learn basic HTML code because it just looks too complicated, but the reality is that these problems will appear over and over again. Soon you will find yourself running in circles - frustrated!

Learning just the basics of HTML code will allow you to create hyperlinks that link to other websites, add pictures, format your fonts and text, and make your content far more search engine friendly. Even when you encounter site builders or content management systems like WordPress, you will still need to know basic HTML code.

The truth is that compared to a lot of other languages, HTML is the easiest to learn. So now is your chance - if you've always wanted to build webpages, but were intimidated by the code, this course will help you learn the basics so that you can survive and even thrive in the online world.

NOTE: We recommend that you take the time to preview your offer at the official site. What you see is exactly what your customers will see. If you feel in the slightest bit inclined to purchase from your own site, stop yourself and ask if you would like to become the seller!

You Get 100% Licensing Rights Plus Installation Service with Full System Setup and File Hosting Worth $197

Total value of $197!

Installed for You Internet Business #7
Rapid Lead Magnet

With this done-for-you product you'll be teaching your customers how to build magnetic lead-magnets that their visitors will find irresistible to sign up for

Click here to view a live demo of this site >>


"Discover The Secret to Pre-Sell Your Visitors, Position Your
Front-End Products & Build a Winning Sales System within
the Next 50 Mins!"

Finally Revealed the Secret to Building Rapid Lead Magnets that Pull in Hot Subscribers!

Okay, so you've done a bit of reading, you've watched a few video courses, you may have even attended a seminar or webinar...

As the 'guru' goes deep into their system for building online wealth you hear them repeatively talk about building a list... You nod your head, you think to yourself 'ah yes I've heard that before...' and you even think that you have everything you need to know...

But after the course is over you're still left thinking to yourself 'where the heck do I start?'... 'how do I do it?'... 'who is going to show me?'... If you've one of the rare few, you'll attempt to create your landing page, register for an autoresponder account, create your opt-in form, and then place it online.

Then after wrestling with the FTP program, or WordPress plugin, and getting your title, formatting and wording just right... you finally get your first page up! You even go as far as to test it yourself just to confirm that it works and you're happy.

At some point in your online venture you realize the need for a list, not just a big list, but a RESPONSIVE one as well... one that gives you high open rates, one that buys your recommendations, one that buys your products, and one that stays LOYAL to you for many years!

Rapid Lead Magnet is your all-in-one course that will guide you through the steps to creating high converting squeeze pages and landing pages together with a free gift that your subscribers will love you for! Not only will you see a massive surge in subscribers to your database, but you'll also set yourself up for a responsive list that will buy EVERY PRODUCT you have to offer!

NOTE: We recommend that you take the time to preview your offer at the official site. What you see is exactly what your customers will see. If you feel in the slightest bit inclined to purchase from your own site, stop yourself and ask if you would like to become the seller!

You Get 100% Licensing Rights Plus Installation Service with Full System Setup and File Hosting Worth $197

Installed for You Internet Business #8
First List Profit

With this done-for-you product you'll be teaching your customers how to build a list of 1000 subscribers in 30 days and make $1,000 with that list

Click here to view a live demo of this site >>


"EXPOSED: The Key Secrets To Making Money That Millionaires Only
Whisper To Their Exclusive Partners In Darkened Rooms!"

Are you ready to be my next success story with your very own list of
1,000 hot subscribers and a brand new monthly income of $1,000?

You've probably heard this a million times... "The money is in the list". But, because it's such a familiar saying, the awesome wisdom in those six words gets diminished.

But - if you build a list of folks interested in what you have to sell - you're actually doing exactly what the super-rich do to create and constantly increase their wealth... Because they also create assets that give them a continuous income.

Now I'm not promising to put you in the billionaire or even the millionaire league, but consider this... The industry standard for the income produced by a mailing list is one dollar, per month, per name. Doesn't sound that exciting, does it? But, imagine having a list of, say, 1,000 names. That's $1,000 a month or $12,000 a year!

And, once you've built that list of 1,000 names, I'm guessing you won't stop there. Because, by then, you'll have the secrets I'm going to give you, so you can go on increasing the size of your list month on month and growing your income month after month too. In fact, I know guys with lists of 250,000 names. Imagine the happy pay days they enjoy! You can do the exact same thing!

NOTE: We recommend that you take the time to preview your offer at the official site. What you see is exactly what your customers will see. If you feel in the slightest bit inclined to purchase from your own site, stop yourself and ask if you would like to become the seller!

You Get 100% Licensing Rights Plus Installation Service with Full System Setup and File Hosting Worth $197

The Ultra Sales Machine Internet Business Empire EMPOWERS You with More Products and More Profit... and that's only the Beginning!...

Simply fill in a form and we'll take care of the rest! Here's what we'll do for you...

Personalize Your Sites

We personalize the system to match your details - this includes your name on the sales page of every product and an up-to-date disclaimer on the footer of every page matching your domain name. We also install the download pages of your products.

Upload Files To Your Server

We upload the system to your server - All sites are carefully uploaded to your server. No matter how much traffic you send to the system, it'll still be able to sustain the pressure and run smoothly!

Check The System Works

We verify that the system is working - No one likes to be sent to broken links, nor do they like to click on 'buy now' buttons that don't work or get taken to a 404 error page which is why we manually check the system to ensure everything works.

Notify You When Done

We email you when it's done - After we're happy with everything, we send you an email with all the information you need. This includes all sales/download pages and URL links. You're now ready to rock and roll!

If you've been on the Ultra Sales Machine mailing list for some time now, you'll we aware that we offer many products with licensing rights. Why? Because resellers instantly know the value of the product and can sell immediately to end users. At the same time we can re-position the product and sell to end users as well, or better still... bundle several licensing deals together to form a mega package... a Firesale.

"These Offers Work Period! ...We Made an Easy $2,159.46 Launching ONE Firesale on ClickBank..."


ACT NOW and You'll Also Receive an Entire Duplicate of this Site so You Can Re-Sell Everything for Fast Cash!

Act now and you'll also receive your very own special offer page
similar to what you're seeing now so you can present your own subscribers with one heck of a deal!

No need to write a new salesletter, no need to develop a new product from scratch. Just slap on your payment button, add your name to the sales letter, upload and you are all ready to start making sales!

Please note that this super bonus WILL NOT be around forever and can be taken down at any time. If you want to get the best deal, have your very own business and maximize your profit then be sure to secure this bonus now! This bonus alone will MULTIPLY your income instantly.

Licensing rights to this entire package is valued at over $197 but you'll receive this for FREE!


Not Sure If The Ultra Sales Machine Internet Business Empire is for YOU?... Here Are 6 Serious Reasons Why You Should STRONGLY Consider Our Done For You System...

REASON 1 - Your time is precious. You've only got about 8-10 working hours in the day and it's unlikely that you can maintain a 'create a new product every week' pace especially if you've got other committments like a family to look after.

REASON 2 - You'll get tired of creating your own products. Yes it's good idea to create your own, but it requires hard work and many misfired attempts before you find the winning formula.

REASON 3 - You'll spend more than you earn. When you outsource work there's no guarantee that you'll ever make your money back. You need to invest in something that minimizes your risk.

REASON 4 - You need multiple products to increase your cash flow. Making your first is exciting but selling multiple products and receiving up to $480 in commission payments (even just 1 a week) again and again can change your lifestyle. As a proud owner of the Ultra Sales Machine Internet Business Empire you get the best of both worlds to maximize your income.

REASON 5 - You need to leverage existing working systems to kick-start any other business. Good cash flow gives you the opportunity to experiment and try new things and outsource other tasks with financial confidence that would otherwise be impossible to start.

REASON 6 - You need to team up with experts cost-effectively. Not every guru is willing to lend you a helping hand... and if they do expect to pay $100-200 an hour or more just to guide you and tell you what to do. Instead you're getting the highest grade system done and dusted.

Just Copy and Profit! Grab Your Ultra Sales Machine Internet Business
Empire Now

...and Make More Sales with Your Own Network of Lucrative Proven-to-Sell Offers!

We'll handle ALL the Complicated Web Design, Coding, Fancy Graphics,
Copywriting, Content Creation, Sales Setup and File Delivery!
Just Swipe our Done-for-You Emails, Promote and Make Sales.

Grand total $1182
Regular Price $297

*Price reduced for limited time only! Act now to secure your discount!*

Option 1
Setup Yourself

Normal Price $67
Your Price... $14.97

Choose this option if you're an experienced marketer
and know how to setup your own products.

Option 2
Setup for You

Normal Price $127
Your Price... $47*

Choose this option if you want everything setup
properly for you for a hassle-free solution.

*Note: Please allow up to 3 working days for us to complete your project.
We work on a first-come first-served basis. Be sure to place your order now to avoid the install queue and to get priority service!


These video courses are being used to make sales RIGHT NOW as you're reading this. If you're on our mailing list you'll see that we promote our own products! DON'T go through the labourious process of creating your own products from scratch, launching them and hoping for the best. Instead you can just 'bolt on' our proven products to your existing system, and let the system take care of the rest! Save time, save money and start making high volume sales for a successful 2022. ACT NOW to not miss out and secure this opportunity before this promotion expires!

Licensing Terms and Conditions:
Please read carefully before purchasing. The licence terms are here to protect you as a reseller, your affiliates and your customers and maintains the value of your products.

[YES] Can sell standard access to your products to end users for a minimum price of $7.97 for each product.*$9.95 minimum recommended.
[YES] You may offer 100% commissions to your JV partners and affiliates to sell standard product access**
[YES] Includes co-branding rights. You can place your name and picture on your reseller's site next to David Railey as the seller
[YES] You can offer this product as a bonus to customers, clients and coaching students*
[YES] You can add this product to paid membership sites for members*
[YES] You may add an unlimited number of bonuses to the offer*
[YES] You may include this product in a dime sale or firesale event as long as the minimum pricing structure is adhered to*
[NO] You must not give this product away for free under any circumstances. Access to the product is for paying customers only.

[YES] You may modify and adapt the sales letter to your marketing style. However the offer must be transparent and clear.
[YES] You may offer this product on forums, auction sites, gig sites and ecommerce sites such as Warrior Forum, eBay, Fiverr and TradeBit***
[YES] You may offer this product through paid advertising channels such as Adwords, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads etc.***
[YES] You may offer this product through offline channels such as QRCodes, tearsheets, newspaper ads, radio ads etc.***
[YES] You can translate the sales letter for foreign speaking languages where English is a second or third language however you must inform your customers that the site and content is in English.

*You may sell at a higher price and/or offer bonuses to your customers as an incentive to purchase from you and deliver them on your thank you page.
**Your JV partners and affiliates will not receive commissions on backend offers as this is a reseller privilege only.
***You are fully responsible for ensuring that you adhere to the minimum pricing and terms and conditions of the third party sites you sell on.


Click Here to Secure Your Ultra Sales Machine Business Empire

The Ultra Sales Machine has Helped 100s of Entrepreneurs Build Their Business!... But Don't Take Our Word for it! See to What Our Customers say...

"I've been getting on average about 32 clicks from each mail out... I've made 5 sales that have been averaging about $10 per sale. That's $50... I'm really excited about this. Just copy, paste send!..."

My name is Greg Ray. I am a retired educator. I've been retired for about a year and now I'm a full time online marketer. I have a website called DigitalInfoGold.com and my main business there is selling digital products that you can download... things like eBooks, audio and video trainings... that type of thing. The problem with those things is that it takes a long time to setup... a long time. It's been a long time a while back a came across this website called the Ultra Sales Machine and I ordered the first set of products and I was so impressed with it that I bought three more sets.

It didn't take long. It look less than a week to get all these sites setup and I now have about 200 products that I can market to my list I've built. Now I've building this list for over a year now as I was retiring but I was really never consistent in mailing them because as I say it takes a long time to things up. If I get something setup, I might send it two or three times but it might be a week, or two werks before I get anything else setup.

Now with the Ultra Sales Machine I have all these products already setup and the neat thing is in the back office I have my pick over three emails to go with each product and each email has multiple subject lines, so I can pick a subject line and an email and send it out. I've been sending three emails promoting one product for over a week now and I've been promoting each product three days in a row and then I swtich to another product and I'll send out another three emails because each one has got the emails written for you. All you got to do is copy and paste and send them out.

I've been getting on average about 32 clicks from each mail out... to me that's pretty good because I haven't been consistent sending stuff out. I've had to warm up my list again and get them use to receiving emails from me and recongnizing 'oh that's Digital Info Gold' so I've been in that process but also I've made 5 sales that have been averaging about $10 per sale. So that's $50. So I'm really excited about this because I haven't really been consistent making anything with my online efforts... I've made some here and there... the success comes in consistency and now I can be consistent. I can send out emails every day and I have so many products to choose from that I'm really excited.

And it was so easy because I didn't have to set it up. Somebody else already did that with the payment buttons... everything's there. All I have to do is pick an email and send it out... that's it. So my business plan is to build my list, send out emails and watch the cash roll in... well it's starting to happen.

I'm excited about it. I would encourage you to try this out because if it works for me with the inconsistencies I've had, I think this will work for almost anybody. And now I'm exicted... I go in and I sit down and I load in the emails and send them out and I've been making one or two sales a day... not much but remember I haven't been mailing my list and so now I can see as I consistently send to my list it's going to all improve. And the reason why I can consistently send out emails is because now I have so many products already setup in the back office... it's easy just copy, paste send. Copy, paste send.

So I think the money I spent on this was well worth everything I spent and I'm looking forward to getting more products from David Railey and I encourage you to do so too. So good luck to you and have success in whatever endeavours you're going through. Get started with the Ultra Sales Machine. - Greg Ray

"...I didn't believe it because in the past I've paid so much more than $97. I couldn't have done this myself in a month. It took 3 days... you won't be dissappointed..."

Hi J.T. Smith here with some positive words about Ultra Sales Machine. I've been interested in building my internet business empire for some time now. I've purchased done for you products before but after the purchase I didn't know what to do... well my problem was solved after I discovered Ultra Sales Machine. They did it all.

When I first saw the offer I didn't believe it because in the past I've paid so much more than $97. When I saw the finished product I was blown away. Ultra Sales Machine exceeded my expectations. It only took a few days. The admin panel was easy to navigate and all of the instructions were clear and easy to follow. I couldn't have done this myself in a month. It took 3 days.

The training is great, it's well worth the price. They've done 3 sites for my so far. Check out my blog at Success Motivation Institute.com and my internet marketing site at Success IMS.com. I'm going to use Ultra Sales Machine to build my own internet empire. Click the buy button, you won't be dissappointed.

- J. Thomas Smith

"Was Able to Make Some Money Online!... Really IMPRESSED with the Service & the Quality Of Materials!"

I got the 7 eBooks a little while back and with some solo ads was able to make some money online with that and was really impressed with the service and the quality of the materials and the fact that they were actually working so I went back and bought some more... looking forward to making some good money. Thank you David and I highly recommend it! - David Smallman

"At first I thought it sounds like a lot of money but what it would cost to do it myself and the time... it's a steal!"

I'm very happy to say that I found and discovered the Ultra Sales Machine. I've spent quite a few years dabbling online with some success but find it very difficult to do the techie side of things and get everything working together. All I can say at the moment is that I'm very happy with what I've received. It was setup for me very quickly.

I had a friend who was getting a site setup and it took her business about a year. This was setup in days and everything's integrated and working well together so I see a lot of potential for the future. It saved me a lot of frustration from setting this up myself, in fact I don't think technically I could set this up myself. I don't think I would have the patience for one thing so it's very cost-effective. At first I thought $97 sounds like a lot of money but what it would cost to do it myself and the time... it's a steal. It's got a good support system I can email any day I want so that's wonderful. It's got a sales funnel... again I'm not quite sure how to set those up myself... but it's all setup for me. So it's saved me a lot of time, a lot of money and the think I like is that it's quality products. I've set things up myself and I've always thought 'is that really good enough, does that sound good enough, the sales page I've written. All I can say is that the items from David are quality items that I'm happy to have out there and put my name to because they just look good and I have already explored them myself and they are good items.

I would encourage you if you're sitting on the fence, if you haven't entered this type of business and are thinking about it, believe me you will save yourself. It's a great saving financially, time-wise, emotionally and very cost-effective and I don't say that lightly after a number of years of wasting money. Thanks guys at Ultra Sales Machine for setting me up and I look forward to it being successful. - Paul Cummings

"It Would Have Taken Me More Than 3 Days If I Were To All The Work Myself... I Trust David Because He Knows What He's Doing!"

As you may have guessed I love to share my faith as well as my entrepreneurial spirit. I started my online journey about 8 years ago. I've had some hit and missed, but mostly misses until I ran into David and his products. I became an affiliate of his and made several commissions.

Needless to say I trust David because his knows what he's doing and that's why I decided to let him and his team setup my products. Everything was installed on time as promised in under 3 days. Although I've been online for the past 8 years I'm not at all that tech savvy. I'm pretty sure it would have taken me more than 3 days if I was to do all the work myself. David's products have saved me both time and money and I don't hesitate to recommend them to anyone just starting out! - Terry Phong

"I was very impressed with the HIGH QUALITY of the graphics... Could not recommend them enough to anyone and I will be back for more myself, so thanks guys!"

I was very impressed with the HIGH QUALITY of the graphics and I am sure that anyone considering to buy will be pleased they did as even just having the graphics gives me inspiration to come up with many designs of my own and could not recommend them enough to anyone and I will be back for more myself, so thanks guys! - Albert F A Matthews

"I have been a customer since 2016 and I love the products and services provided. David and team have always provide excellent customer service and I am very satisfied. The products and the installation service are always top notch!"

I wanted to give a quick testimonial for David and the Ultra Sales Machine team. I have been a customer since 2016 and I love the products and services provided. If your looking for a great content source then look no further. David and team have always provide excellent customer service and I am very satisfied. The products and the installation service are always top notch! The packages I've purchased have been premium, well designed products providing excellent value. I use many of the products not just to gain sales but I have incorporated them into my lead generation plan and supplying my clients with something they also can use for creating their lists. The quality of the products is very nice, excellent copywriting, high quality videos provided in the products creation stimulates the mind making them easy to promote and to sale. Trustworthy traits of character in Internet Marketing arena hard many times hard to find but every once in awhile you find a one and once you do build that relationship. Success in Internet Marketing comes much quicker when you find those partner relationships that you can trust. I am very thankful I came across SSM and David's products, I highly recommend them to others that are thinking about beginning in IM/Affiliate Marketing as this will give you a jump stress to success and it will provide additional education that will definaltely enhance your success. Keep up the outstanding work you do it is appreciated and valued and look forward to future products that will continue to scale my online businesses. - Bobby Wiggins

"Most of the stuff out there is incomplete, or just plain old trash!... This is the first product I have purchased from you and I am impressed!... You are also going to include installation, WOW!"

Finally, someone who walks you through from the beginning. This is exactly what I have been looking for. This is the first product I have purchased from you and, I am impressed. You are also going to include installation, WOW! I plan on using this for lead generation. Making money with this product means FREE quality leads! The small investment made this purchase worth every cent. I plan on using this as a part of my coaching course to help people get their online business started. There are so many fake guru's out there. It's hard foe newbies to get their business up and going. Your products will help them and, be a good resource for my followers. I can't wait to stat using this. Unbelievable, this is the word I would use to describe David's products. Most of the stuff out there is incomplete, or just plain old trash. However, there are some good ones, and David's just happens to be one of them. I am glad that I stumbled across this. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. I am in this to help others, this will help me so that I can concentrate on helping those people who don't know where to start. I would tell them to start here. David has made it simple to download and install, however I would recommend having them install it. It not only saves time but, it gets done properly. I look forward to purchasing other product from you in the future. To a long and successful relationship. - R. Scott

"I am excited to use Ultra Sales Machine!... They are of good quality, with great voice commentary. The niches are all great niches for making money."

I am excited to use Ultra Sales Machine. I know that it's working because it's taken them longer to upload files and settings than they even expected. I was going to cancel but decided to trust they'd get the job done. So far mostly everything has been uploaded. Make sure you read the instructions before you start anything. If you do, it should go smoothly. The sites are nice enough looking and I am excited to get some traffic going to the sales pages. The settings seem to work well, and the directory structure is also making the site easy to navigate. I like the images, and I read most of the writing so far, and it's very good. I especially enjoy the videos. They are of good quality, with great voice commentary. The niches are all great niches for making money. And you can even add your own products, which is great because we have some awesome copywriting services. I like that all of the products are ready to be purchased. - Don Cox

"They do the hard work and we sit back and promote. The Ultra Sales Machine Team really do the hard work for us. They deliver more than I expected. I'm really impressed!"

They do the hard work and we sit back and promote. The Ultra Sales Machine Team really do the hard work for us. They deliver more than I expected. I'm really impressed with their expertise, patient, care and concern what they have proven to us. They really deliver a "Done-For-You" products, but for me not one, a few DIY products from them. No other business that had done everything for you. All fits for "Newbies" and experienced marketers. They have put in their painless effort, quick and easy solution to have our own products up and running without the process of creating one in the first place. I'll continue to purchase products from Ultra Sales Machine and business relationship. Thank you! - Dickie Lim

"I am extremely impressed to say the least.... It was more than I could have imagined!"

I had been looking to start my online business but looking at hiring someone to do my pages was a daunting task just to think about. Then I came across David's information and I am extremely impressed to say the least. It was more than I could have imagined once I purchased and I am more than happy that I found this program. I can't say enough about it. - Elexis Wilson

"My 6 products site is up and running in less than 48 hours!... Thank you once again Ultra Sales Machine team for launching my first set of income stream!"

Ultra Sales Machine team is really super. My 5 products site is up and running in less than 48 hours. Online marketing can really be done simply if you use right automation. Most people think you need to write your own book to sell. You can sell other people's books if you get master resale rights. You can acquire the master resale rights at very low cost. Once you own the rights and start selling it you earn 100% of sales made direct to paypal. From paypal you can sweep it easily to your bank for use. One good thing about starting online marketing part time for some one employed is to transition into an employer easily over a short time. Best part of online marketing is not the money it provides but the time it can save while earning it, which can use for what ever your passion is. Thank you once again Ultra Sales Machine team for launching my first set of income stream! - Durgalakshmi G.

"I have been in this list for almost 5 years... Setup service is great with valuable products."

First of all I like the way of presenting whole packages in a good manner. My first impression is Money Machine Madness Reseller Package. I have been in this list for almost 5 years. Setup service is great with valuable products. This is my first membership and the sales page is good one. Yes turn-key membership is increasing my monthly income. I waiting for my earnings with this package. I will recommend this to newbies or experts because of valuable content. - Naveen

"Grab a pre written email and paste it in and send to my lists. I did this with one product and that day made enough in sales... I have only promoted 2 products now! I can't imagine how many sales I will get each week. Well worth the money many times over."

I was looking for things to promote in my autoresponder to make some extra cash and I stumbled upon this. As a previous buyer of PLR products I was a little skeptical about what it was going to be like but I jumped in anyway. Boy was I surprised. It comes with its own admin area where I can just login and grab a pre written email and paste it in and send to my lists. I did this with one product and that day made enough in sales to buy an extra lot of products the upsells. These within days have enabled me to now purchase another 72 products and bare in mind I have only promoted 2 products now. When I have these installed in my autoresponder I can't imagine how many sales I will get each week. Forget buying separate PLR things and having to install them yourself, this is one stop just grab links or emails and go, all set up, all done ready to promote. Well worth the money many times over. - Steve Ayling



To Your Success!

David Railey is an established internet marketer with over 15 years of online experience. He provides easy-to-follow training and high-level done for you solutions for online entrepreneurs as well as one-on-one coaching for dedicated students. The Ultra Sales Machine products and services are the result of years of development all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use solution to help you achieve real results!

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